That vaccination should be compulsory
That schools should help students find an after-school job
That Gay Marriage should be legal
That prostitution should be legal
That schools should have the power to track students
Is Christianity Real? |
That developed countries should actively recruit medical personnel from developing countries
There is a need for vigilantes in America |
That we should limit the amount of food aid that developed nations can freely provide
Is Toxic Masculinity real? |
That endangered species should be allowed to die
Abortion |
That copyright law should not extend to the internet
That extremist political parties should be banned
Terrorismo Domestico |
That Western foreign policy should abandon attempts to universalise liberal values
That churches should not involve themselves in political campaigns
That social media services should be held legally responsible for content posted by their users |
Capitalism does not work |
That diplomatic immunity laws should be repealed
That selling human organs should be legal
transgender people should be allowed to use the bathroom of their chosen gender |
That social media services should be held legally responsible for content posted by their users |
That foster children should be placed into families with similar backgrounds
That we should ban the publication of software which is specifically designed to enable access to the darknet
That missions to Mars are worth funding
That Kurdish autonomous districts should form one bi-national autonomous government
There are no migrants to Europe today, only invaders. |
That governments should actively discourage consumerist lifestyles
Black chicks with straight hair look absurd. |
Segregation existed because of strange behavior. |
That police should offer rewards to help solve crimes
That all tax records should be public information
America doesn't have a race problem, it has a problem race. |
There is no "hate". Detrimental people are disliked, not hated. |
Islam should be banned as a criminal organization. |
Whites can't be Japanese, and Blacks can't be English. |
It would be catastrophic if everyone were homosexual. |
Stabbing a pregnant woman's fetus, and abortion, are murder. |
Homosexuality is bad for society. |
Is abortion unethical? |
That churches should not involve themselves in political campaigns
The KKK was created to keep neighborhoods nice. |
That we should ban international aid charities from using graphic images of suffering
The rectum is not a sex organ. |
People who deny their gender are insane. |
Slavery was a blessing to Blacks. |
Racism is normal, not systemic or created. |
Non-Whites cannot be French, British, etc. |
Foreign immigration is bad for Europe. |
Same-sex parenting is child abuse. |
Abortion is murder. |
That we should arm teachers
"Homosexual marriage" isn't marriage. |
The "prophet" Muhammad raped a nine-year-old. |
That scientists should have a delegation in national legislature
That all forms of abortion should be legal
That Gay Marriage should be legal
That there should be no minimum wage
That the church and state should not be separated
That women should not serve in military combat roles
That nuclear weapons should be globally decommissioned
That vegetarianism is morally good
That we should support the New Atheism movement
That education should be compulsory in the third world
That capitalism is superior to socialism
That couples should be able to enter contracts which make any future infidelity a crime
That healthcare should be a right to all Americans. |
That governments have an obligation to provide housing for their people
That the death penalty should be abolished globally
That the United States should decrease its military budget
That wearing the hijab in public should be banned
That we should make wearing fur illegal
That whistleblowers about government cover-ups should be granted asylum
Abortion |
That the depiction of protagonists in children's books and media as aesthetically superior is regrettable
That vaccinations against active pandemics should be mandatory |
That democracies should extend voting rights to migrant workers
That we should regret the inclusion of religious symbols at memorial sites
Black Lives Matter is an important social movement. |
That the United States should shut down Guantanamo Bay |
That online matchmaking is a better system than traditional dating
Trump should be re-elected, because he makes America great again. |
That we should regret the strong promotion of people declaring their sexual orientation
That Costa Rica should put the economy before environmental protection
Brexit |
That the United Nations should have a standing military force
That vaccination should be compulsory
That multinational companies should be liable for human rights abuses anywhere in their supply chain
That free trade does more harm than good
That extremist political parties should be banned
That banning books is justifiable
That we should ban zoos
That we should legalize all drugs
That doping should be legal in sports
That children should not be allowed to participate in drugs trials
That judges should be elected
All of the cabinet members for the United States Federal Government should be replaced by elected councils of three. |
That we should require a university degree to be eligible to run for public office
That Russia should NOT be banned from competing in Olympic events (for their recent doping transgressions) |
That teams should allow sponsors to advertise on their jerseys
That the speed limit on roads should be abolished
That labor unions should be banned
That there should be no legislative controls on gun ownership
That music with obscene lyrics should be censored
The United States and Canada should merge into one nation. |
Is religion a force for good or for evil? |
That there should be a right to die
That the security council should be scrapped
That we should pay additional benefits to families on welfare according to their child's performance in school
That we should accept all refugees
Private sector jobs are better than government jobs |
That where English is not the national language, we should prefer debating in English to another language
Should euthanasia be legalised everywhere? |
That we should repatriate all illegal immigrants
That diplomatic immunity laws should be repealed
women empowerment has taken growth in today's century? |
That countries have a moral duty to protect human rights in other countries |
That the Middle East would benefit from Kurdistan being independent
That vaccination should be compulsory
That voting should be compulsory
That vegetarianism is morally good
That where peaceful protests are met with a violent state response, protesters should respond violently
That we should allow prisoners to volunteer for drug trials in exchange for lighter sentences
That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones
That renewable energy should be heavily subsidised by the government
That art museums should be financed by the state
That there should be no minimum wage
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
The Death Penalty Should be Abolished |
That countries have a moral duty to protect human rights in other countries
That police should offer rewards to help solve crimes
That multinational companies should be liable for human rights abuses anywhere in their supply chain
Private sector jobs are better than government jobs |
The Chinese Government Should be Held Accountable for the Widespread of the Coronavirus |
Are The U.K. Government doing their job correctly? |
Private sector jobs are better than government jobs |
That prisons should be privatised
That secular governments should censor those sections of religious texts that constitute hate speech
That minors should not require parental consent to obtain an abortion
That governments should control stock investments
That there should be a crime of corporate manslaughter
That free trade does more harm than good
The death penalty should be abolished |
That all forms of abortion should be legal
That states should have the power of civil forfeiture
That free trade does more harm than good
That the International Criminal Court's powers are too limited
That world leaders should have term limits
Education should be privatized. |
That universal healthcare is worth the expense
That we should ban all advertising which implies that addictive substances cannot be enjoyable
That where English is not the national language, we should prefer debating in English to another language
If the goverments planned a false alien invasion.its people would beleive it |
That feminism should celebrate unisex sports leagues
That we should make poverty a significant mitigating factor in criminal sentencing
That we should arm teachers
Why 1+1 Doesn't Equal To Two |
That doping should be legal in sports
That banning books is justifiable
That governments should actively discourage consumerist lifestyles
Their is no such thing as male privilege. |
World health organization is bad |
That there should be a universal salary cap
That adults should receive a single, tradeable permit from the state to have a child
That voting should be compulsory
That Western states should not use private military contractors in combat
That scientists should have a delegation in national legislature
Are Muslims on the true path? |
Should elective abortions continue to be legal? |
Investigation into extraterrestrials is not important |
Abortion is Moral |
States ought to eliminate their nuclear arsenals |
That the security council should be scrapped
There’s only 2 genders |
Objective Morality Exists |
That the internet has a damaging impact on society
That socialism causes poverty |
That we should accept all refugees
That some vaccinations should be mandatory
That we should not allow unvaccinated children to attend public schools
That governments are a bad idea
That poachers who kill endangered animals should be tried for murder
That there should be a mandatory retirement age
Does God Exist |
That whistleblowers about government cover-ups should be granted asylum
Juveniles should be tried and treated as adults |
Building a Wall is not Racist |
Stupid should not be a swear word |
That terrorism is justifiable
That condoms should be subsidised by the government
Any music that is not clean should not be on spotify playlists |
That violent video games should be censored
Wormwood cure's maleria |
That the use of drones in warfare should be condemned
That all youth should go through compulsory military training
That children should have legal obligations to their guardians in adulthood
Theism is true |
That Abortion is Immoral |
Theism is true |
That Islam is a religion of violence
That banning books is justifiable
That art museums should be financed by the state
That restaurants should be required to provide nutritional information
That governments have a moral duty to preserve historical art
wormwood cures Malaria |
We should ban self driving cars. |
That we should ban the publication of software which is specifically designed to enable access to the darknet
That Alternative Medicine has greater efficacy than Standard Care |
That music with obscene lyrics should be censored
That the use of drones in warfare should be condemned
merits and demerits of cashless economy |
That Affirmative Action be abolished nationally |
That capitalism is superior to socialism
That we should arm teachers
Change My Mind: The War on Drugs is Justified |
That we should ban all advertising which implies that addictive substances cannot be enjoyable
That banning books is justifiable
That Universal Healthcare is Superior to Multi-Payer Healthcare |
That developed countries should actively recruit medical personnel from developing countries
That banning books is justifiable
Abolish the Penny |
Should parents be allowed to spank their children? |
God created a soul and his moral law effects us biologically |
God Exists |
Re: Prescription Medication is Poison. |
This house believes college safe spaces are absurd |
prescription medication is poision |
That we should we ban nuclear energy |
That voting should be compulsory
There are good reasons to believe in Christianity |
Abortion is morally evil and should be outlawed |
That the internet has a damaging impact on society
That extremist political parties should be banned
That all forms of education should be free
Prescription Medication is Poison. |
There are only two genders |
prescription medication is poision |
prescription medication is poison |
That large scale immigration redistributes wealth(from the poor to the wealthy) |
The loch ness monster more than likely exists. (change my mind) |
Universal Basic Income |
communism is inevitable |
there is a god |
atheism |
That Intelligent Design should be taught in school
That vaping is good for society |
That governments should pump money into banks during recession
Should abortion be legal? |
That alcohol does more good than harm to society |
That we should pay additional benefits to families on welfare according to their child's performance in school
That a more globalized economy would net benefit indigenous cultures
Abortion should be criminalized with no exeptions |
That all forms of education should be free
Technology |
Do you think most debaters on this site read the forums to create more sound debates? |
That the use of technology in schools deepens the divide between rich and poor
That Linux-based operating systems are generally inferior to their competiton
Islam is the truth |
That judges should be elected
That music with obscene lyrics should be censored
That the government should not place any restrictions on free speech
Do you think the concept of "E Pluribus Unum" is represented well in the United States today? |
should death penalties be illegal? |
That it should be criminal for a politician to lie
Islam vs Christianity - Virgin Mary - Truth or False? |
Should abortion be legal? |
life is created intelegently |
Divine Command Theory |
I (pro) am a worse debator than you (con) |
That there should be a right to bear arms
the bible is TRUE |
That banning books is justifiable
It should be illegal to prescribe psychotropic drugs to miners. |
That violent video games should be censored
THW ban homework |
That pets do more good than harm
That spanking should be considered child abuse |
That fast food companies should not be allowed to sell toys with their meals
Artificial Intelligence helps humans |
prescription medication is poison |
Are there more than 2 genders? |
Witnesses of Jehovah have the true religion as compared to Muslims. (Islam Vs Jehovah's Christianity) |
Why are customers are difficult? |
Apples are the best |
That the speed limit on roads should be abolished
That the United States should recognize Spanish as an official language
That Islam is the true religion |
That there should be no legislative controls on gun ownership
Should abortion be illegal |
End all drone strikes against foreign countries |
Veganism is unjustified |
That in the US, password sharing is illegal |
That we should repatriate all illegal immigrants
That capitalism is superior to socialism
That the death penalty should be abolished globally
That we should keep the Sabbath as a day of rest
Transgenderism is bad |
We must allow gun duels |
Abortion is bad |
Should Trump build the wall |
That development assistance should be prioritized over military aid in the Sahel region of Africa
Free will does not exist |
That religion is a waste of time
That democracies should extend voting rights to migrant workers
Should abortion be illegal? |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should enforce a civil right of survivorship on social media
That we should censor violent video games
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Abortion should be illegal |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
God can be proven real. |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That religion should be taught in schools
That religion should be taught in schools
That the speed limit on roads should be abolished
That free trade does more harm than good
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That universal healthcare is worth the expense
That President Trump is a good President. |
Abortion should be extremely restricted |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
The Judeo-Christian God Exists |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That people should have to pass drug tests to receive welfare
That attempted suicide should be a criminal offence
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That there should be a ban on pornography
Try to justify how meat isn't evil. |
Women’s rights! |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
America is the greatest nation |
That the government should pay housewives
Should sexism be as big as it is? |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That preventing climate change is futile
veganism |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That wearing the hijab in public should be banned
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That attempted suicide should be a criminal offence
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That all youth should go through compulsory military training
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That the government should provide free internet
That there are more than two genders |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
There are only 2 genders |
We should accept all refugee's. |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
The Bible is missing books |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That animal testing should be banned
Societal convention does not demand one to say “excuse me” when in a cubicle within a public restroom. |
That the International Criminal Court's powers are too limited
Canada Is Better Than America |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That it should be criminal for a politician to lie
Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead |
Trump Is Racist... Prove me wrong |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Gay Marriage should not be legal. |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Donald Trump is a bad president |
Abortion should not be legal. |
That blasphemy should be a crime
That Gay Marriage should be legal
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
The rapture is post trib |
Maths and Science should be an elective subject in highscool |
The Right to Abort |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
We should maintain a monarchy in Australia |
That music glorifying violence against women should be banned
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That free immigration is a fundamentally good thing
We should maintain a monarchy in Australia |
There is no country as beautiful as italy |
There is no country as beautiful as italy |
That marijuana should be legal
That the internet has a damaging impact on society
Donald Trump Administration |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That homeschooling as a form of alternative education should be banned. |
That we should ban zoos
Ethical veganism |
That national central banks should set limits on governmental spending
do you think abortion should be legal? |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
The United States government should construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico Border |
That the voting age should be raised
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should abolish trial by jury
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Historic Christianity has always affirmed the Deity of Christ |
The God of the Bible is a Trinity |
Is there a god or intelligent designer? |
That homeschooling as a form of alternative education should be banned. |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Immigration should be illegal in the US |
That we should make wearing fur illegal
That development assistance should be prioritized over military aid in the Sahel region of Africa |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That religion should be taught in schools
That GM-free nations should remain GM-free
That the internet has a damaging impact on society
Origin of Life | Biblical Creation |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Jesus of Nazareth existed. |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
The legal age to vote should be lowered to 16 |
That we should ban all guns to the public
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That the police should carry weapons while on regular duty
That schools should not make any special allowances for any religion
That marijuana should be legal
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That restaurants should be required to provide nutritional information
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That extremist political parties should be banned
Is Jesus the God of the Bible? |
The Legal Immigration System should be made easier in the USA |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Privatisation of Education. |
That schools should discipline students for cyberbullying
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
English is better than mathematics. |
That missions to Mars are worth funding
That states should hold binding national referendums on major peace agreements
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Should abortion be legalized universally? |
Single-sex Schools |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should ban the publication of software which is specifically designed to enable access to the darknet
Women empowerment |
Is white privilege a thing? |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Is the Death Penalty really an act of Justice? |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
There are only two genders. |
only women should be allowed to vote |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should censor the depiction of smoking in movies
That music with obscene lyrics should be censored
Men and Women both have equal rights in the U.S.A. |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That single-sex schooling should be encouraged
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Singular Their |
That companies should be allowed to operate private armies
Both men and females suffer equality |
That all democratic political systems should be structured as the democracy at the Age of Pericles in Athens. |
That we should allow prisoners to volunteer for drug trials in exchange for lighter sentences
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That terrorism is justifiable
That poachers who kill endangered animals should be tried for murder
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That prisons should be privatised
That we should allow prisoners to volunteer for drug trials in exchange for lighter sentences
That we should legalize all drugs
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Euthanasia should be legalised |
Transgender |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should accept all refugees
That foster children should be placed into families with similar backgrounds
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should launch a ground invasion to fight the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq
Why You Should just accept the fact that there is no "God" |
That cosmetic surgury does more harm than good
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Bryan Mullins: All "African Americans" are not Black, They are all white |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
a more globalized economy would net benefit indigenous cultures |
The Judeo-Christian God Exists |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That there should be a crime of corporate manslaughter
That we should punish users of extremist websites
body shaming should be strictly banned in india |
That workplaces are generally better off with uniforms
That it should be criminal for a politician to lie
That the speed limit on roads should be abolished
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should require a university degree to be eligible to run for public office
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Great Men Determine The Course of History |
GOD is a woman |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That reality television should be banned
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That prostitution should be legal
That the gender wage gap is a myth
That the gender wage gap is a myth
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That the provision of Internet services should be a public utility
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That fast food companies should not be allowed to sell toys with their meals
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should repatriate all illegal immigrants
That women should be allowed into front-line combat roles
Guns should be abolished. |
There are only 2 genders. |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That there should be a right to bear arms
That police should offer rewards to help solve crimes
cosmetic surgury does more harm than good |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That all forms of abortion should be legal
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That endangered species should be allowed to die
Affirmative action is unfair and against the principles of democracy |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That adults should receive a single, tradeable permit from the state to have a child
That Louisiana should adopt creole as an official language
That the feminist movement should actively exclude socially conservative viewpoints
That all forms of education should be free
That the provision of Internet services should be a public utility
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That political leaders should be transparent about their personal health
That corporations should be allowed to vote
That it should be criminal for a politician to lie
That corporal punishment should be allowed in schools
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That the overwhelming narrative of good triumphing over evil in children's media is regrettable
That polygamy should be legalised
That the internet has a damaging impact on society
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Teachers should be armed in public schools |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That adults should receive a single, tradeable permit from the state to have a child
That terrorism is justifiable
Should we require vaccines? |
do celebrities get away with more crime then non-celebrities? |
is refusing to stand for the national anthem an appropriate protest? |
That prisons should be privatised
is torture justified when used for national security purposes? |
should the death penalty be allowed |
That the rise of a 'hookup culture' is regrettable
is animal testing justified? |
That labor unions ought to be abolished
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That copyright law should not extend to the internet
That extremist political parties should be banned
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should abolish trial by jury
That companies should assess social media profiles when hiring staff
That states should seek to prioritise reducing income inequality over GDP growth
That we should require companies to pay their interns
Is Death Penalty moral? |
That democracy is the best form of government
That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should censor violent video games
Secondary school students should be allowed to use Internet language (slang words) in their writing |
Is Death Penalty right? |
Mobile phones do more harm than benefit to teenagers |
That for states, isolationism is the way to go
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should not be allowed out alone at night
The USA should set price limits for prescription drugs and medical care |
That democracy is the best form of government
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That the speed limit on roads should be abolished
That Antarctica should be colonized for resource extraction
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That school prayer should be prohibited
That society should look down upon tribalism
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Science Serves an Amazing Purpose in Life |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That animal rights should be legally recognised
The Judeo-Christian God Exists |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Should people be allowed guns? |
That the gender wage gap is a myth
Do you agree with this statement "Experience is the best teacher". |
That recycling certain types of rubbish should be mandatory
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That people should have to pass drug tests to receive welfare
That universal healthcare is worth the expense
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That homeschooling as a form of alternative education should be abolished
That nuclear weapons should be globally decommissioned
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That corporal punishment is wrong |
That the government should pay housewives
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That prisoners should be allowed to choose death over a life sentence
That extremist political parties should be banned
That the use of drones in warfare should be condemned
God does not exist |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
THBT versions of history taught by state through education should be designed to promote national pride |
That the government should provide free internet
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
cartoons promoting political content |
That nationalism has a damaging impact on society
That prisoners should be allowed to choose death over a life sentence
Should kids have phones |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
should anyone be allotted to disrespect the flag ? |
Robots can replace mathematics teachers |
That nationalism has a damaging impact on society
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That there should be a right to bear arms
That workplaces are generally better off with uniforms
That student loans should be interest-free
should college be necessary |
Should abortion be legal? |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That sport leagues should not suspend players for off-field behaviour
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Democracy is outdated in progressive Western society |
Offensive Humor is Morally OK |
That single-sex schooling should be encouraged
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That religion should be taught in schools
That states should construct false historical narratives that promote social cohesion
That what the Bible says are true. |
That the provision of Internet services should be a public utility
That the church and state should not be separated
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Gun control could limit the impact of mass shootings in the United States |
That we should limit the amount of food aid that developed nations can freely provide
Should the Dominican Republic implement death penalty as the maximum consequence? |
That Christianity is based on a myth from ancient superstitions |
Is water wet? |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That online matchmaking is a better system than traditional dating
That the internet has a damaging impact on society
That we should introduce a 100% inheritance tax
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should ban zoos
THW allow Erasing memories |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That man created God |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That modern society is overworked
That the anti-sweatshop movement has hurt third-world economies
That flat tax systems are better than progressive tax systems
That we should not give money to beggars
That, where it does not exist already, there should be a national sales tax
That Antarctica should be colonized for resource extraction
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should strike before North Korea does
That insider trading should be legal
That big banks should be broken up
That we should support state capitalism
That the anti-sweatshop movement has hurt third-world economies
That abortion is morally permissible |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That social security in the United States is headed towards collapse
That we should support state capitalism
That big banks should be broken up
That flat tax systems are better than progressive tax systems
That economic sanctions are usually ineffective at achieving their goals
That we should ban the display of Nazi symbols
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That we should allow internet users to sell their own personal information for profit
That we should support state capitalism
That, where it does not exist already, there should be a national sales tax
That social security in the United States is headed towards collapse
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That feminism should celebrate unisex sports leagues
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That flat tax systems are better than progressive tax systems
htrh |
htrh |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That women should reject practices that alter the appearance of their genitalia
htrh |
htrh |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That schools should discipline students for cyberbullying
which one is more powerful: religion or science? |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That individuals should be allowed to punish people they deem to have committed online harassment by revealing their identity online
That we should accept all refugees
That Louisiana should adopt creole as an official language
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Repenting to God Heals Disease. |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That states should not prevent any peaceful protest in public
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That reality television should be banned
That free immigration is a fundamentally good thing
That private charity is superior to government welfare
That blasphemy should be a crime
That museums should be state-funded and free of charge
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That music glorifying violence against women should be banned
That we should ban the publication of software which is specifically designed to enable access to the darknet
That fast food companies should not be allowed to sell toys with their meals
That radio stations should be required to play a certain percentage of native music
That mercury should be labelled as safe for general use
Should women be allowed to get abortions? |
That workplaces are generally better off with uniforms
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That fast food companies should not be allowed to sell toys with their meals
That we should not allow unvaccinated children to attend public schools
That women should not serve in military combat roles
That where English is not the national language, we should prefer debating in English to another language
That states should hold binding national referendums on major peace agreements
That we should end all forms of affirmative action
That developed nations should pay developing nations to not extract their fossil fuel resources
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That there should be a right to die
That the receipt of welfare payments should be conditional on the use of contraception
That preventing climate change is futile
That universal healthcare is worth the expense
That South Africa should annex Lesotho
That law enforcement should have the right to require companies to unlock electronic devices of suspected terrorists
That churches should not involve themselves in political campaigns
That parents should not involve their children in organised religion until they reach the age of 18
That children should not be allowed out alone at night
That developed nations should pay developing nations to not extract their fossil fuel resources
That we should keep the Sabbath as a day of rest
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That religion should be taught in schools
That we should pay additional benefits to families on welfare according to their child's performance in school
That banning books is justifiable
That we should abolish gated communities in the developing world
That women should be allowed into front-line combat roles
That governments should control stock investments
That we should ban the publication of software which is specifically designed to enable access to the darknet
That we should strike before North Korea does
That we should ban all advertising which implies that addictive substances cannot be enjoyable
Merry Christmas (Pro) vs. Happy Holidays (Con) |
It is ok for the government to use it's citizens poop as fertlizer |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That there should be no legislative controls on gun ownership
The poor are not lazy |
Christians should love non-christians |
That we should federalise Europe
That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones
That popular entertainers should not engage in political campaigns
That the Queen of England should resign
That education should be compulsory in the third world
That mercury should be labelled as safe for general use
That there should be a mandatory retirement age
That development assistance should be prioritized over military aid in the Sahel region of Africa
The world is better today than it was in the past. |
Is Judaism a religion by blood or is it a belief? |
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That civil forfeiture is important in stopping crime
That democracy is the best form of government
That states should not prevent any peaceful protest in public
That music with obscene lyrics should be censored
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That the internet has a damaging impact on society
That states should have the power of civil forfeiture
That we should allow prisoners to volunteer for drug trials in exchange for lighter sentences
That free immigration is a fundamentally good thing
That religion is a waste of time
That we should ban religious organizations from providing rehabilitation services to drug and alcohol addicts
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That free immigration is a fundamentally good thing
That development assistance should be prioritized over military aid in the Sahel region of Africa
That doping should be legal in sports
That constitutions should grant special recognition to minority groups
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That the depiction of protagonists in children's books and media as aesthetically superior is regrettable
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
Should The Death Penalty Be Allowed? |
That companies should be allowed to operate private armies
That we should end all forms of affirmative action
That there should be no legislative controls on gun ownership
That vegetarianism is morally good
That all forms of education should be free
That schools should seek to teach all students how to use a 3D printer
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That restaurants should be required to provide nutritional information
That the UN should form a land reclamation corps
That vegetarianism is morally good
That we should compel victims of rape to testify in court
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That GM-free nations should remain GM-free
That we should stop all attempts to gather intelligence by deception and/or coercion of foreign citizens
That there should be a cap on bonuses
That the Middle East would benefit from Kurdistan being independent
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
should rapists punishment be more than prison? |
That Scientology should be recognized as a religion
Did Jesus rise from the dead? |
That police should exercise tolerance when working with cases involving BDSM culture
That political leaders should be transparent about their personal health
That endangered species should be allowed to die
That women should be allowed into front-line combat roles
That children should never be classified as sex offenders
That academic preschools should be required to maintain a minimum amount of time for free play
Donald trump is so far a good president and has done more than Obama has done in 8 years |
That internet anonymity is regrettable
That feminism should celebrate unisex sports leagues
That the Queen of England should resign
That the International Criminal Court's powers are too limited
That mercury should be labelled as safe for general use
That where peaceful protests are met with a violent state response, protesters should respond violently
That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones
That our society is over-educated
That corporations should be allowed to vote
That free trade does more harm than good
That there should be no restrictions on political campaign funding
That we should support the objectification of men in popular culture
That we should censor the depiction of smoking in movies
Genetic engineering is nessary |
That mercury should be labelled as safe for general use
That parents should not "redshirt" their children
Over population is a problem |
Over population is a problem |
Over population is a problem |
That the UN should institute an open borders policy among its member states
That children are better off in a charter school than a public school
That history is worth studying
That all youth should go through compulsory military training
That we should restrict more than one person from the same family from running for high political positions
That the government should not place any restrictions on free speech
That the Queen of England should resign
Privatized Healthcare is the best way to provide cheap and efficient healthcare |
That high schools should provide daycare services for students who have children
That there should be a ban on pornography
That teachers should choose not to set homework
That civil forfeiture is important in stopping crime
That corporations should be allowed to vote
That we should ban hunting competitions
That Intelligent Design should be taught in school
That the police should carry weapons while on regular duty
does religion define and shape who a person is? |
promoting international solidarity and implementation and achievement of third generation rights |
Is cyberbullying a real problem? |
Pro or Con: Using Natural Cleaning Detergents |
That Antarctica should be colonized for resource extraction
The Black Death was caused by volcanoes and not by germs |
That corporal punishment should be allowed in schools
death penalty should not be abolished |
situation only makes a man criminal |
That we should allow individuals to use violent force to defend their homes, even where they do not fear for personal safety
The United States should continue its use of drone strikes abroad |
Time never changes |
Why is security and hygiene important for the industry? |
Automobiles should never have been invented. |
That teachers should post students' grades publicly
Animals should be used for scientific or commercial testing |
Felons who have completed their sentence should be allowed to vote |
The United States should continue its use of drone strikes abroad |
Abortions |
That states should have the power of civil forfeiture
Why a medical practioner need be a good orator |
This House believes nuclear weapons make the World a safer place. |
That cosmetic surgury does more harm than good
That museums should be state-funded and free of charge
That preventing climate change is futile
That we should remove all benefits from those deemed fit, but unwilling, to work
Is e-book better than a paper book |
God exists. |
Should a country’s government consider the good of the many over the freedom of its individual citizens? |
That we should punish users of extremist websites
That the state should provide incentives for individuals to buy local
Prv |
God exists. |
That single-sex schooling should be encouraged
That the United States should recognize Spanish as an official language
That sport leagues should not suspend players for off-field behaviour
Should the army impose martial laws in the battlefield ? |
God does not exist. |
That there should be no legislative controls on gun ownership
Does God Exist? |
That religion should be taught in schools (Continued) |
That constitutions should grant special recognition to minority groups
That children should not be allowed out alone at night
That we should ban all guns to the public
That religion should be taught in schools
That democracy is the best form of government
That prostitution should be legal
The Kaziranga National Park is justified in allowing park rangers to shoot animal poachers in the park |
That we should support the New Atheism movement
That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones
God does not exist. |
If Mars is purple, Then Donald Trump is a member of the Green Party |
That condoms should be subsidised by the government
That online matchmaking is a better system than traditional dating
Capitalism is superior to communism |
Islam is the religion of peace. |
That children should not be allowed to participate in drugs trials
Donald Trump is Buddha |
That capitalism is superior to socialism |
That governments have an obligation to provide housing for their people
That the internet has a damaging impact on society
That we should require companies to pay their interns
That all forms of abortion should be legal
Cigarettes Should Become Illegal in the US |
That all forms of education should be free
Unions do more harm than good. |
That freedom of speech is absolute. |
That the government should not place any restrictions on free speech
That Facebook should allow children of any age to have a Facebook profile
That women should be allowed into front-line combat roles
That the minimum wage should be reduced |
Abortion |
That we should ban hunting competitions
Unions do more harm than good. |
Should Children
It is reasonable to believe there is a god |
That we should allow individuals to use violent force to defend their homes, even where they do not fear for personal safety
That civil forfeiture is important in stopping crime
Capitalism Produces Better Results for More People than does Socialism |
anada should not accept a wide range of goods from developing nations because of human rights violations in some of these nations. |
Economic globalization and international business generally do more harm than good |
NAFTA has greatly benefited from the Canadian economy |
Free speech needs limits |
This house would bring in "fat tax" |
Donald Trump is Racist |
That there should be a cap on bonuses
Multinational corporations do more harm than good. |
AGRESSION is the right way to tackle TERRORISM . |
Developed nations have an obligation to financially support developing and underdeveloped nations |
That the use of drones in warfare should be condemned
Capitalism produces better results for more people than does socialism. |
God Exists |
Death Penalty Should NOT Be Banned! |
That where peaceful protests are met with a violent state response, protesters should respond violently
Death Penalty Should NOT Be Banned! |
That women should not serve in military combat roles
That companies should assess social media profiles when hiring staff
That the Middle East would benefit from Kurdistan being independent
That selling human organs should be legal
A privately owned business should be legally allowed to choose who it will and will not serve based on any criteria that business chooses. |
That nuclear weapons should be globally decommissioned
should disabled be annihilated |
That all forms of education should be free
should loudspeakers in religious places be banned? |
That there should be a right to bear arms
That multiculturalism is superior to monoculturalism
That multinational companies should be liable for human rights abuses anywhere in their supply chain
That France should re-occupy Chad
That comparing modern Israel to the Holocaust is counter-productive in critiquing modern Israel
That blasphemy should be a crime
That the state should pay people to sterilise themselves
That free trade does more harm than good
Resolved: Science leaves no room for free will. |
Resolved: Trump's military strike against Syria was a good idea. |
Is the man from the Curiosity Shop the same person as the man from the Trading Post? |
That developed nations should pay developing nations to not extract their fossil fuel resources
That developed countries should invest in new housing in developing countries to replace slums
That debasing the Islamic Courts Union from Somalia is regrettable
That the church and state should not be separated
That internet anonymity is regrettable
That only women should be allowed to vote
That there should be a universal salary cap
That companies should be allowed to operate private armies
That online matchmaking is a better system than traditional dating
Equal pay for women |
That squatting in abandoned buildings should be legal
That countries have a moral duty to protect human rights in other countries
That the Olympic Games are worth watching
Why elderly people should not have to pay taxes for education? |
That Israel should finalize a secular constitution
That Nagorno Karabahk Should be Reunited with Armenia
That the rise of a 'hookup culture' is regrettable
That slum tourism does more harm than good
That nationalism has a damaging impact on society
That vaccination should be compulsory
That the government overstepped its power in the 2014 Venezuelan Protests
Death penalty should be abolished globally |
That we should fine hackers of multiplayer games
That the forced militarization of civilian naval vessels is legitimate in times of war
That the United States should nationalize oil exports and seek to join OPEC
That we should ban the display of Nazi symbols
Age of Consent Ought to be 16 in America |
That we should require companies to pay their interns
That people should have to pass drug tests to receive welfare
That there should be no restrictions on political campaign funding
That the UN should institute an open borders policy among its member states
That parents should not involve their children in organised religion until they reach the age of 18
That pets do more good than harm
That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones
That we should censor the depiction of smoking in movies
The Age of Consent Ought to be Lowered |
That preparations against zombie attacks should be the responsibility of the military
That the death penalty should be abolished globally
That doctors should be forced to perform medical procedures
That Google should inform the authorities about suicide searches
That copyright law should not extend to the internet
That polygamy should be legalised
That voting should be compulsory
That prostitution should be legal
That we should repatriate all illegal immigrants
That music with obscene lyrics should be censored
Abortion should remain legal in the US |
That the IMF should require collateral for national bailouts
That Ogaden and the North Eastern Province should be taken by force
That the Czech Republic should become an atheist state
That there should be a mandatory retirement age
Christianity (PRO) vs Atheism (CON) |
That we should give more votes to citizens according to their performance on a current affairs test
That we should arm teachers
That the continuation of NATO after the dissolution of the Soviet Union is regrettable
My God is the highest 1 true God. Nobody can defeat My God |
That we should pay all elected politicians the median wage in their country
That we should use Voter IDs to protect against voter fraud
That vegetarianism is morally good
Taxation is NOT theft |
That the gay rights movement should abandon the claim that sexuality is not a choice
That children should be allowed to work
That ransoms should not be paid to Boko Haram
That the Queen of England should resign
That energy security is a legitimate reason for war
That euthenasia is morally wrong
That there should be a quota on television for locally produced shows
That smoking should be criminalised
That South Africa should annex Lesotho
That countries should make the pope persona non grata outside until the Vatican signs extradition treaties with those countries
That companies should be allowed to operate private armies
Taxation is Theft |
That labor unions ought to be abolished
That extremist political parties should be banned
That the United Nations should form a one world government
That there should be a right to die
That selling human organs should be legal
That the rise of a 'hookup culture' is regrettable
That recycling certain types of rubbish should be mandatory
That the European Union should lift its arms embargo on China
That the government overstepped its power in the 2014 Venezuelan Protests
THW provide free post-secondary education for all students in Canada. |
That states should seek to prioritise reducing income inequality over GDP growth
That restaurants should be required to provide nutritional information
That marijuana should be legal
That we should keep the Sabbath as a day of rest
Atheism is total nonsense |
That where English is not the national language, we should prefer debating in English to another language
That cosmetic surgury does more harm than good
That we should use Voter IDs to protect against voter fraud
That governments should pump money into banks during recession
That reality television should be banned
That student loans should be interest-free
That Intelligent Design should be taught in school
That the voting age should be raised
That private charity is superior to government welfare
That Nagorno Karabahk Should be Reunited with Armenia
That labor unions ought to be abolished
That public universities are superior to private universities
That nationalism has a damaging impact on society |
That teams should allow sponsors to advertise on their jerseys
That national central banks should set limits on governmental spending
That nationalism has a damaging impact on society
That the forced militarization of civilian naval vessels is legitimate in times of war
America and Pakistan |
That we should ban the publication of software which is specifically designed to enable access to the darknet
That we should create a global market for citizenship, such that individuals can sell their existing citizenship and buy a new one
That Luxembourg should change its flag to include the red lion ensign
That the United States should nationalize oil exports and seek to join OPEC
That Google should inform the authorities about suicide searches
That all youth should go through compulsory military training
That attempted suicide should be a criminal offence
That online degrees have less merit than degrees earned offline
That labor unions ought to be abolished
That homeschooling as a form of alternative education should be abolished
That labor unions ought to be abolished
That the IMF should require collateral for national bailouts
That sport leagues should not suspend players for off-field behaviour
That Turkmenistan should continue to use latin script
That the overwhelming narrative of good triumphing over evil in children's media is regrettable
That Costa Rica should put the economy before environmental protection
That children should not be allowed out alone at night
That democracies should extend voting rights to migrant workers
That giving foreign aid is superior to giving charity |
That we should create a global market for citizenship, such that individuals can sell their existing citizenship and buy a new one
That countries have a moral duty to protect human rights in other countries
That doping should be legal in sports
That the Euro should be retired
That the government should provide free internet
That post-revolution states should delegate trials of former rulers to the International Criminal Court
Unregulated Capitalism is a moral system, and is perfect as it is |
That we should require approval from local referenda for all major land development decisions
That governments have an obligation to provide housing for their people
That we should fine hackers of multiplayer games
That we should fine hackers of multiplayer games
That the moon landings were faked |
That debasing the Islamic Courts Union from Somalia is regrettable
That the Olympic Games are worth watching
That workplaces are generally better off with uniforms
That we should require a university degree to be eligible to run for public office
That we should make plans to subjugate any aliens we encounter
That feminism should celebrate unisex sports leagues
That mercury should be labelled as safe for general use
That selling human organs should be legal
That we should require companies to pay their interns
Islamphobia doesn't exist |
That selling human organs should be legal
That we should end all forms of affirmative action
That Western foreign policy should abandon attempts to universalise liberal values
That adults should receive a single, tradeable permit from the state to have a child
That we should not allow unvaccinated children to attend public schools
That smoking should be criminalised
That children should not be allowed to participate in drugs trials
That central banks should be abolished
That developing countries should legalise child labour
That art museums should be financed by the state
That Louisiana should adopt creole as an official language
That copyright law should not extend to the internet
That recycling certain types of rubbish should be mandatory
That workplaces are generally better off with uniforms
That fast food companies should not be allowed to sell toys with their meals
That governments should pump money into banks during recession
Abortion should be legal everywhere |
That art museums should be financed by the state
That we should end all forms of affirmative action
That we should legalize all drugs
That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones
That the forced militarization of civilian naval vessels is legitimate in times of war
That the United States should decrease its military budget
That developing nations should adopt a policy of benign neglect towards patent enforcement
That some vaccinations should be mandatory
That we should censor violent video games
Abortion should be made illegal. |
That for states, isolationism is the way to go
That we should introduce a tax on financial transactions
That the United Nations should form a one world government
That the United States should decrease its military budget
That we should use Voter IDs to protect against voter fraud
That student loans should be interest-free
That women should not serve in military combat roles
That fast food companies should not be allowed to sell toys with their meals
That schools should discipline students for cyberbullying
That banning books is justifiable
That Western foreign policy should abandon attempts to universalise liberal values
That the Pope should publicly endorse radically redistributive government policies
That police should exercise tolerance when working with cases involving BDSM culture
That the state should provide incentives for individuals to buy local
That we should abolish gated communities in the developing world
That we should end all forms of affirmative action
That Spain should abolish their monarchy
That where peaceful protests are met with a violent state response, protesters should respond violently
That developed countries should actively recruit medical personnel from developing countries
That children are better off in a charter school than a public school
Assuming that the Earth is overpopulated, Mars should be colonized by 2200 |
That we should seek to colonize the moon
That there should be a crime of corporate manslaughter
That Kurdish autonomous districts should form one bi-national autonomous government
That we should pay additional benefits to families on welfare according to their child's performance in school
That wearing the hijab in public should be banned
That we should allow individuals to use violent force to defend their homes, even where they do not fear for personal safety
That we should ban all advertising which implies that addictive substances cannot be enjoyable
That human cloning is immoral
That we should make poverty a significant mitigating factor in criminal sentencing
That student loans should be interest-free
That torture should never be used by the government
That we should allow individuals to use violent force to defend their homes, even where they do not fear for personal safety
That we should compel victims of rape to testify in court
That squatting in abandoned buildings should be legal
That the speed limit on roads should be abolished
That history is worth studying
That adults should receive a single, tradeable permit from the state to have a child
That we should abolish trial by jury
That vegetarianism is morally good
That there should be an interest rate cap on all personal lending
That the Olympic Games are worth watching
That the overwhelming narrative of good triumphing over evil in children's media is regrettable
That the Czech Republic should become an atheist state
That the UN should form a land reclamation corps
That foster children should be placed into families with similar backgrounds
That developing countries should legalise child labour
That we should federalise Europe
That the IMF should require collateral for national bailouts
That judges should be elected
That ransoms should not be paid to Boko Haram
That individuals should be allowed to punish people they deem to have committed online harassment by revealing their identity online
That India should adopt aggressive free market policies
That railways should be nationally owned and operated
That wearing the hijab in public should be banned
That prisons should be privatised
That we should enforce a civil right of survivorship on social media
That the gay rights movement should abandon the claim that sexuality is not a choice
That we should repatriate all illegal immigrants
That we should censor the depiction of smoking in movies
That student loans should be interest-free
That countries should make the pope persona non grata outside until the Vatican signs extradition treaties with those countries
That the death penalty should be abolished globally
That we should federalise Europe
That life-extending medical procedures should be denied to the terminally ill
That corporations should be allowed to vote
That the death penalty should be abolished globally
That where English is not the national language, we should prefer debating in English to another language
That we should criminalize the public denial of evolution
That student loans should be interest-free
That preparations against zombie attacks should be the responsibility of the military
The United States should end Plan Columbia |
That we should limit the amount of food aid that developed nations can freely provide
That we should strike before North Korea does
should the topic religious studies be taught in schools |
Boys are stronger than girls emotionally and physically |
That life-extending medical procedures should be denied to the terminally ill
That pets do more good than harm
That labor unions ought to be abolished
That we should pay additional benefits to families on welfare according to their child's performance in school
That religion should be taught in schools
That foster children should be placed into families with similar backgrounds
THW abolish capital punishment in the United States |
That voting third party is worth it in the 2016 U.S. presidential election |
That mercury should be labelled as safe for general use
That the government should provide free internet
That recreational marijuana should be legalized |
That the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII was justified |
That the United Nations should have a standing military force
That the Queen of England should resign
Islam is a religion of peace |
That violent video games should be censored
That we should keep the Sabbath as a day of rest
That states should hold binding national referendums on major peace agreements
That poachers who kill endangered animals should be tried for murder
That central banks should be abolished
That we should enforce a civil right of survivorship on social media
That animal testing should be banned
The Christian God Exists |
That we should ban all guns to the public
That Palestine should prohibit the operation of Israeli companies within Palestinian territories
That children should not be allowed out alone at night
That we should fine hackers of multiplayer games
That the provision of Internet services should be a public utility
That Federally guaranteed gay marriage violates the Constitution |
Same-Sex Couples Should Have The Same Adoption Rights As Heterosexual Couples |
That Transgendered Individuals Should Use the Bathroom They Identify With |
we should give money to beggar |
That doctors should be forced to perform medical procedures
That school prayer should be prohibited
That we should arm teachers
That student loans should be interest-free
That secular governments should censor those sections of religious texts that constitute hate speech
That the depiction of protagonists in children's books and media as aesthetically superior is regrettable
death penalty should be legal on all UN countries |
That Western foreign policy should abandon attempts to universalise liberal values
That we should require approval from local referenda for all major land development decisions
That the US government should raise the retirement age for social security
That squatting in abandoned buildings should be legal
That student loans should be interest-free
That constitutions should grant special recognition to minority groups
That we should allow prisoners to volunteer for drug trials in exchange for lighter sentences
That we should pay all elected politicians the median wage in their country
That Google should inform the authorities about suicide searches
should teacher carry weapons with them for safety |
That the government should not place any restrictions on free speech
Assuming that the Earth is overpopulated, Mars should be colonized until 2200 |
That the security council should be scrapped
That we should introduce a 100% inheritance tax
That we should censor violent video games
Same-Sex Couples Should Have The Same Adoption Rights As Heterosexual Couples |
That women should be allowed into front-line combat roles |
That we should make wearing fur illegal
That the government should not place any restrictions on free speech
That employers should be required to pay men and women the same amount for the same job |
The state should be abolished |
That single-sex schooling should be encouraged
That all forms of education should be free
That where English is not the national language, we should prefer debating in English to another language
That women should be allowed into front-line combat roles
Human life should be driven by utility |
Feminists are a disgrace to humankind |
Jesus was not the messiah |
That teachers should choose not to set homework
That fast food companies should not be allowed to sell toys with their mealsn |
india is a HINDU NATION |
Assuming that the Earth is overpopulated, Mars should be colonized until 2200 |
That schools should help students find an after-school job
That we should ban political opinion polls
india is a hindu nation |
Transgendered Individuals Should Use the Bathroom They Identify With |
That democracies should extend voting rights to migrant workers
That children should not be allowed out alone at nightn |
That the death penalty should be abolished globally
Assuming that the Earth is overpopulated, Mars should be colonized until 2200 |
That the provision of Internet services should be a public utility
Animal testing should be banned |
Vaccination Should be Compulsory |
Saddam Hussien was a great leader. |
All classes in all schools have a compulsary mini garden |
That the European Union should lift its arms embargo on China
That the forced militarization of civilian naval vessels is legitimate in times of war
That we should embrace genetic modification technology |
That freedom should come before security |
That we should launch a ground invasion to fight the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq
That the rise of a 'hookup culture' is regrettablen |
That Arab-Israelis who successfully seek election to the Knesset should opt not to take up that seatn |
That countries should make the pope persona non grata outside until the Vatican signs extradition treaties with those countriesn |
That human cloning is immoral
Natural Cleaning Products VS Commercial Cleaners |
That history is worth studying
That culturally significant art belongs in public museums |
That the United States should regret the Patriot Act
Religion and Philosophy are entirely separate |
That we should make plans to subjugate any aliens we encounter
Abortion should be legal |
That judges should be elected
That voting ought to be compulsory |
Is contraception a natural right? |
That there should be a right to die
That time spent studying the oceans is better spent elsewhere |
That the United Nations is a useless institution
That smoking should be criminalised
That sport leagues should not suspend players for off-field behaviour
That the voting age should be raised
That prisoners should be allowed to choose death over a life sentence
Why children should be given homework |
That multiculturalism is superior to monoculturalism
That states should construct false historical narratives that promote social cohesion |
Communism is the best system of government |
Comedy Debate |
That Intelligent Design should be taught in school
Does Islamic Terrorism really exists? |
That we should make wearing fur illegal
That we should consider cyber attacks by state actors an act of war
dogs are better than cats |
That we should launch a ground invasion to fight the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq
That marijuana should be legal |
Born gay |
That poachers who kill endangered animals should be tried for murder
That schools should not make any special allowances for any religion
Maths is more important than English |
That we should allow the public to remove Supreme Court justices by a popular referendum
That preparations against zombie attacks should be the responsibility of the military
That states should not prevent any peaceful protest in public
That popular entertainers should not engage in political campaigns
Do restrictions like rules discourage creativity? |
That nuclear weapons should be globally decommissioned
Should promises be kept? |
That recycling certain types of rubbish should be mandatory
Religion is a waste of time |
The Dark One is more powerful than the Creator |
Cultural appropriation is not a negative thing |
Feminism is not a movement for equality at all |
That the number of subforums on edeb8 should be reduced
Is God Real? |
That some vaccinations should be mandatory
God exists |
That violent video games should be censored
Can you have too many toys? |
That online degrees have less merit than degrees earned offline
That polygamy should be legalised
That freedom of speech must include freedom to offend |
Gay Marriage Ought To Be Illegal |
That the public should be allowed to pardon whistleblowers by referendum
That central banks should be abolished
That labor unions should be banned
That governments should actively discourage consumerist lifestyles
That we should stop all attempts to gather intelligence by deception and/or coercion of foreign citizens
That governments should pump money into banks during recession
That schools should not make any special allowances for any religion
Should the government interfere with shopping addiction? |
Should the United States decrease military budget? |
That multiculturalism is superior to monoculturalism
That we should ban zoos
that political parties must ensure fulfillment of their pre-election manifesto as binding promises,otherwise fresh election should be held |
bjp |
That homeschooling as a form of alternative education should be abolished
That progressive taxes are superior to flat taxes
Resolved: When it is not clear which of multiple options is the most morally correct, mercy ought to be valued over justice. |
the afterlife |
That police should exercise tolerance when working with cases involving BDSM culture
We Should Accept Syrian Refugees |
That the Rise of "Hook-up" culture is regrettable. |
Gay marriage should be illegal |
Pro or Against Tree Removal When the Tree is not Sick? |
Schools should Continue to Teach Music in Public Schools |
That only women should be allowed to vote
Is trump a racist |
That the United Nations should form a one world government
That prisoners should be allowed to choose death over a life sentence
Is Trump a racist |
That we should accept all refugees
should taxes be imposed everywhere? |
That we should require defendants in criminal trials to be represented exclusively by public defenders
That railways should be nationally owned and operated
That the United Nations should form a one world government
That feminism should celebrate unisex sports leagues
Animal Experimenting Should Be Banned |
THW abolish patents |
Should Students be able to bring their cellular devices to school? |
That diplomatic immunity laws should be repealed
drugs should be made legal in south africa |
That we should regret the strong promotion of people declaring their sexual orientation
Should the UK leave the EU? |
Should the UK leave the EU? |
Abortion |
That we should support academic tracking in primary and secondary education
That the Czech Republic should become an atheist state
That we should give more votes to citizens according to their performance on a current affairs test
That we should not allow unvaccinated children to attend public schools
That we should ban international aid charities from using graphic images of suffering
Islam is evil: |
That life-extending medical procedures should be denied to the terminally ill
That polygamy should be legalised
That developed countries should invest in new housing in developing countries to replace slums
That America would become an international joke should Trump win the presidency. |
That police should offer rewards to help solve crimes
That we should make plans to subjugate any aliens we encounter
That art museums should be financed by the state
That the United States should nationalize oil exports and seek to join OPEC
That we should regret the inclusion of religious symbols at memorial sites
That the police should carry weapons while on regular duty
That governments should control stock investments
That wearing the hijab in public should be banned
Abortion |
That workplaces are generally better off with uniforms
That schools should not make any special allowances for any religion
That governments have an obligation to provide housing for their people
That student loans should be interest-free
That there should be a quota on television for locally produced shows
The U.S. Government Should Continue Funding Planned Parenthood |
Social Media is the monster in society |
That states should not prevent any peaceful protest in public
That Nagorno Karabahk Should be Reunited with Armenia
That we should launch a ground invasion to fight the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq
We should attack ISIS using ground troops |
That the forced militarization of civilian naval vessels is legitimate in times of war
That the use of drones in warfare should be condemned
Should the US attack ISIS with force? |
That we should federalise Europe
That animal rights should be legally recognised
That Palestine should be considered a state
Is contradiction a physical force? |
That we should compel victims of rape to testify in court
That the use of drones in warfare should be condemned
That terrorism is justifiable
Is American a Force for Good on the global stage today? |
That we should accept all refugees
Olympic Games: A Waste Of Money Or Idea? |
isis |
Is the Islamic State really Islamic? |
is there aliens |
That governments should favor green mercantilism over World Trade Organization rules
Abortion is immoral |
That there is no significant global warming |
The existence of evil in the world makes it unlikely that the Christian God exists |
That the feminist movement should actively exclude socially conservative viewpoints
That all forms of education should be free
Resolved: Adolescents ought to have the right to make autonomous medical decisions. |
That the United States of America should fund moderate Madrassas throughout the Islamic world
That there should be a cap on bonuses
That governments should actively discourage consumerist lifestyles
Time Traveling should be illegal. |
Africans are less privileged under law (unfortunately) |
That the police should carry weapons while on regular duty
That music glorifying violence against women should be banned
That endangered species should be allowed to die
That Scientology should be recognized as a religion
Hitler Wasn't That bad of a person |
Jesus is not the son of god |
That Antarctica should be colonized for resource extraction
Is cricket ruining other sports in india |
That prostitution should be legal
That popular entertainers should not engage in political campaigns
Video Debate: Political Ideologies |
Islam is a religion of peace |
That countries have a moral duty to protect human rights in other countries
Hitler did nothing wrong |
On balance, the European conquest of Native American lands was justified. |
THW abolish the death penalty in the United States |
That developed countries should invest in new housing in developing countries to replace slums
The death penalty should be banned |
That South Africa should annex Lesotho
The NZDF should be scrapped. |
UN Debate Example: The United States should prioritize immigration from Mexico |
Resolved: The death penalty should be abolished. |
"This house believes churches should not involve themselves in political campaigns.". |
The Confederate Flag |
That religion should be taught in schools
That only women should be allowed to vote
That blasphemy should be a crime
That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones
purpose of life |
That it should be illegal for US citizens to engage in acts overseas which are felonies in the US even if said act is legal in the nation in question |
Mr. Robot is a good show. |
That the depiction of protagonists in children's books and media as aesthetically superior is regrettable
That the voting age should be raised
Resolved: Just governments ought to ensure food security for their citizens. |
That vegetarianism is morally good
Why is it so wrong to date your family members? |
That Islam is a religion of violence
That music glorifying violence against women should be banned
That universal healthcare is worth the expense
That children should not be allowed out alone at night |
Classic "Atheism -or- Christianity |
That daylight savings should be abolished
Life After Death |
That Ogaden and the North Eastern Province should be taken by force
That the New Zealand Defence Force should be scrapped |
This house supports the Death Penalty. (Biblical Perspective) |
Abortion should be legal in all instances |
"This House would ban the publication of software which is specifically designed to enable access to the darknet." |
WODC Round 2: This House believes that the World Bank should discontinue the funding of energy infrastructure in developing countries. |
That we should pay additional benefits to families on welfare according to their child's performance in school
There is a method from scientific skepticism used in science |
There is no method from scientific skepticism used in science |
Jifpop is Senpai and he will notice me |
That only women should be allowed to vote
This House would ban the publication of software which is specifically designed to enable access to the darknet. WODC2015 |
That violent video games should be censored
That the use of drones in warfare should be condemned
Larry is so handsome |
This House Believes That Provisions of Internet Services Should be a Public Utility |
That online matchmaking is a better system than traditional dating
Abortion |
Does the Gen. creation account conflict with science? |
THB that today's society is addicted to social media |
That terrorism is justifiable
That ransoms should not be paid to Boko Haram |
That we should end all forms of affirmative action
That there should be a ban on pornography
That minors should not require parental consent to obtain an abortion
That corporal punishment should be allowed in schools
Original Cold War: U.S.A. vs U.S.S.R. |
That Nagorno Karabahk Should be Reunited with Armenia
That there are five or six discreet racial classifications |
If an embryo is to be considered human and be allowed human rights, then a sperm cell should also be considered human and allowed human rights |
That some vaccinations should be mandatory
That radio stations should be required to play a certain percentage of native music
Slander should not be against the law |
That the Proposed Iranian Nuclear Deal Works In the Best Intrests of Israel |
Scientists Should Research on String Theory |
That we should auction off the long term right to govern bankrupt cities for profit
America is worse off because slavery happened |
The Bible is the inerrant Word of God |
Abortion Should be Legal. |
That music with obscene lyrics should be censored
World Government. |
Christians are the number one threat to Christianity |
Science doesn't conflict with religion |
That the United States should recognize Spanish as an official language
That the Queen of England should resign
Making debates in is better then making debates in DDO. |
That school prayer should be prohibited
On balance, allowing civilians to own guns is detrimental to society |
Resolved: God Exists |
That the Christian God exists |
That poachers who kill endangered animals should be tried for murder
WAR GAME SCENARIO: Russia Versus Chosen Nation |
That prisoners should be allowed to choose death over a life sentence
That we should strike before North Korea does
That gay marriage should be legalized. |
4 hour debate |
The US government should give OPIC quarterly stipends |
The Word of God are the only basis of Human Existence. |
That torture should never be used by the government
That the death penalty should be abolished globally
The international community should recognize the Shia Houthis government in Northern Yemen |
Should dying people be kept on life supoprt |
That women should be allowed into front-line combat roles
A Nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima |
That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones
That diplomatic immunity laws should be repealed
That conservatism is incompatible with socialism, and liberalism is incompatible with capitalism |
Orthodox Christians Should Work to Revive the Byzantine Empire |
Genesis 1-3 doesn't conflict with science |
That companies should be allowed to operate private armies
That minors should not require parental consent to obtain an abortion |
That pacifism would have been the best response of nations to the policies of Hitler |
That fast food companies should not be allowed to sell toys with their meals
the authenticity of the bible |
That minors should not require parental consent to obtain an abortion
2015 Tournament: The international community should endorse unilateral climate engineering projects to prevent global warming |
That where peaceful protests are met with a violent state response, protesters should respond violently
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is net beneficial to modern society |
That the Czech Republic should become an atheist state |
That France should re-occupy Chad
That marijuana should be legal
The reconstruction forces in Afghanistan should increase financial and military support to local militias in order to combat the Taliban offensive |
Dumplings should be a human right |
That companies should be required to pay interns |
That the rich are taxed enough (2.0) |
The Battle of Stalingrad was the Most Important Battle of WWII |
Malaysia should help the Kalimantan and Patani secessionist movements achieve unification with the state |
That the rich are taxed enough |
That Australian and New Zealand protectorates should given independence under an agreement of free association |
That Edeb8 shouldn't have ELO rankings |
Evolution is backed by scientific evidence |
That incestual marriage should be legalized |
That governments should only test drugs for safety, not effectiveness, before approving them for the public
That the United Nations should have a standing military force
That marijuana should be legal
That health insurance companies should cover sexual therapy for those who exhibit symptoms of non-consumation, pre-mature ejaculation, and ED |
Calvin and Hobbes is a better comic strip than... |
Gay Marriage Should be Legalized |
That Gay Marriage should be legal
That my name is Brooke |
That using video is fun |
This house supports #Gamergate |
That multiculturalism is superior to monoculturalism
God is Not Good |
That we should strike before North Korea does
That all forms of education should be free
Internet access should be a human right. |
Christians should abandon church buildings in favor of house churches |
Brazil General Election 2014: Aecio Neves Would Make A Better President than the Incumbent President Dilma Rousseff |
That squatting in abandoned buildings should be legal
That the United Nations should have a standing military force
That nationalism has a damaging impact on society
Roman Catholic Church Council: Christians Have A Moral Duty To Crusade |
That the United States should recognize Spanish as an official language
Comments on Judge Decisions should be implemented |
That the Queen of England should resign
Abortion should be legal until 8 weeks of pregnancy |
That all forms of education should be free
That people should have to pass drug tests to receive welfare
The United States of America should fund Khawarji madrasa's throughout the Islamic world |
That the government should not place any restrictions on free speech
That religion is a waste of time
The Flag of Detroit should be the Flag of Michigan |
That selling human organs should be legal
That art museums should be financed by the state
Followers of the Sith Philosophy should start a political party in the United States |
Disco is entitled to legitimate musical cred |
That terrorism is justifiable
Importance of laws in society. I think they are necessary and compulsory, who rejects this idea ? |
Affirmative Action Based On Race is the Best Possible System for Achieving Equality, Fairness, and Diversity at Universities |
Internet Anonymity: Good, Bad or Necessary? |
Gridiron Football is better than Rugby Football |
That our acquirement of knowledge is in part a priori |
That voting should be compulsory
That India should adopt aggressive free market policies
That companies should assess social media profiles when hiring staff
Villains are far more important to any story than heroes. |
Age of sex in UK should either coincide, or surpass with the age of watching porn. |
That the state should provide incentives for individuals to buy local
There Should Not be Unlimited Characters in a Ranked Debate |
That there should be a universal salary cap
That single-sex schooling should be encouraged
China should NOT grant independence to the Xinjiang province. |
That labor unions should be banned
That daylight savings should be abolished
GMO Salmon should be approved in the USA. |
test debate |
Kimi is a superior cat to Louis |
RESOLVED: The Falkland Islands belong to Britain (WODC) |
Voluntary abortion should be legal. |
The church and state should not be separated |
Cannabis Legalization |
Hezbollah is more powerful than the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria |
I trolled the taco so I wouldn't have to face the evil burrito |
That prisons should be privitised
That the speed limit on roads should be abolished
Circumcision Should be Banned |
You choose the resolution |
That the police should carry weapons while on regular duty
That history is worth studying
That the internet has a damaging impact on society |
My account went black. I can't communicate |
That endangered species should be allowed to die
That the internet has a damaging impact on society
That children should not be allowed out alone at night
That we should introduce a tax on financial transactions
Ede8 should have an economics forum |
Preah Vihear belongs to Cambodia |
Pakastani Occupation of Jammu and Kashmir is Justifiable |
That Even Outside of Religion, Gay Marriage is Wrong |
Slavery was responsible for the downfall of the Roman republic |
That the rise of a 'hookup culture' is regrettable
That children should be allowed to work
The production of the penny is unnecessary and should be stopped in the United States. |
That religion is a waste of time
That preventing climate change is futile
That selling human organs should be legal
A Lorentzian Ether Probably Exists |
That schools should not make any special allowances for any religion
That vegetarianism is morally good
That judges should be elected
That India should adopt aggressive free market policies
Evolution is supported by scientific evidence |
Resolved: Placing political conditions on humanitarian aid to foreign countries is unjust. |
That India should adopt aggressive free market policies
That it should be criminal for a politician to lie
That sport leagues should not suspend players for off-field behaviour
That the rise of a 'hookup culture' is regrettable
That online degrees have less merit than degrees earned offline
Government should ban the sponsorship of religious pilgrimages |
That the government should pay housewives
That there should be no restrictions on political campaign funding
That banning books is justifiable
That extremist political parties should be banned
There Probably is no Afterlife |
The Bible Contradicts Itself. |
Is the Christian God real? |
God exists |
That the government should not place any restrictions on free speech
That international adoption should be banned
NZ should adopt a new flag. |
RESOLVED: The influence of the media is detrimental to the American political process. |
EDEB8 is superior to |
That smoking should be criminalised |
edge is the awesomest awesome aswesome ever |
That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones
That polygamy should be legalised
That the death penalty should be abolished globally
That smoking should be criminalised
"God" does not exist |
That daylight savings should be abolished
That the internet has a damaging impact on society
That banning books is justifiable |
A government ought to cover the cost of college tuition fees for its citizens |
Nuclear Energy |
Publically funded Healthcare |
That nationalism has a damaging impact on society
That the state should pay people to sterilise themselves
That smoking should be criminalised
"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty."-Thomas Jefferson |
The Bible Teaches that Masturbation is Sinful |
That condoms should be subsidised by the government
A government ought to cover the cost of college tuition fees for its citizens. |
That there should be a quota on television for locally produced shows
Cones should be left on statues' heads. |
Justice sometimes requires the redistribution of resources |
That the government should provide free internet
"Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility." |
FairTax |
People watch TV for psychological reasons as opposed to simple laziness. |
God exists |
Joke debate. |
If the Southern States seceded from the Union again, the southern states would be more prosperous after ten to twenty years. |
That wearing the hijab in public should be banned
God probably doesn't exists. |