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Non-Whites cannot be French, British, etc.

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David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
Europeans are WHITE. Non-Whites can be CITIZENS of European countries, but they cannot be European (French, British, etc.).
Return To Top | Posted:
2020-12-24 04:47:06
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dengu0924dengu0924 (CON)
Let's just use "French" here. 

"French" can refer to nationality, or it can be used to convey a more intangible property or characteristic associated with France, such as culture (for example when we say French cuisine). However, what this word has no association or implication for is biology. 

When the word French is used to describe a person, as in "he is French" or "she is French", the only thing it means is that person is the holder of a legal citizenship of the French republic. Nothing more, nothing less. It's not a question of whether you approve him or her as a French person or not, based on how it fits your subjective image of what a French person ought to be. 

Return To Top | Posted:
2020-12-24 05:17:59
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David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
1.Europeans are White. France is in Europe. Therefore, French people are WHITE.
2.Citizenship is political status. A Black can say, "I am a citizen of France". He can never say, "I am French.". 

Return To Top | Posted:
2020-12-24 05:54:50
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dengu0924dengu0924 (CON)
1. The word "Europeans" is devoid of any useful meaning, really. It simply refers to the inhabitants of Europe, a continent spanning 10 million square kilometers and any attempt to homogenize such vast land area lacks credibility. For example Europe includes countries like Turkey and Azerbaijian as well, with population that can hardly be labelled as white. 

2. Sure a black person can say "I am French". It makes sense both for the speaker and listener. There's nothing wrong with it. If you ask a black French person "where are you from"? Do you think he'll actually say "I am a citizen of France". No. He's going to say "I'm French" or "I'm from France". In the same way a black person from the US will say "I'm American", not "I am a citizen of America/the US". 

I believe you're confusing national identity with biological/blood identity. "French" refers to the former, while "Caucasian" refers to the latter. 

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2020-12-24 15:32:00
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David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
1.Turkey and Azerbaijian are not in Europe proper. They are on the border. Europeans do not consider them kinsmen. If it makes you feel better, we can only talk about Western Europe. Regardless, non-Whites cannot be French, British, etc. 2.Yes, Blacks say "I am French" and "I am from France", and they are wrong. Blacks are African and from Africa. Any school book will tell you that. 3.American is not a bloodline, French is. Anyone can be American (although, in the past, only Whites were allowed to be citizens). 4.Nationality, race, and bloodline are the same things. A nation is a people of common blood and culture. Thus, Blacks cannot be members of the French nation (people). They can only be citizens of France. Citizenship is just a political status. Blacks can say they are citizens of France, but never French.
Return To Top | Posted:
2020-12-24 17:02:19
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dengu0924dengu0924 (CON)
We're going in circles here, but I'll conclude the debate with the following. 

1. Again I'm not changing my position with regards to the fact that "French" is irrelevant to bloodline. Any attempt to link these two requires rigorous biological study which you have failed to cite. 
2. Even if we assume that the bloodline argument is valid, then you have just contradicted yourself by claiming "American is not a bloodline, French is.". Perhaps you forgot there were indigenous people in America prior to the Whites arriving. According to you then, White people in the US cannot claim they are American, because that claim can only be made by the indigenous people of America. I see a double standard here. 

Return To Top | Posted:
2020-12-24 17:36:29
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David NicholsDavid Nichols
deng--Wow, you understood something.
Posted 2020-12-25 04:28:15
Okay. I'm a person who doesn't understand simple points, so I need assistance from a being of higher intelligence like yourself. Much appreciated.
Posted 2020-12-24 18:44:16
David NicholsDavid Nichols
deng--Who's debating? I'm trying to get simple points through your head.
Posted 2020-12-24 18:20:09
Okay, David. But this is not the place to continue the debate, it's already over.
Posted 2020-12-24 18:17:21
David NicholsDavid Nichols
deng--Western Europeans are WHITE. France is in WESTERN EUROPE. Thus, French people are WHITE, genius. 2.The original Americans were WHITE. Their bloodline was EUROPEAN. There is no "American bloodline". 3.The indians were not Americans, genius.
Posted 2020-12-24 17:57:27
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