About Edeb8
Edeb8 is the most advanced platform for FREE and fun online debating.
- Debate online with our flexible, formal platform, for debaters of all skill levels
- First in the world to support many popular debate styles, like BP or World Schools
- Judge debates on all sorts of topics
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Total registered users: 3800
Total debates: 1968
Total judgments: 1461
Total teams: 75
Completed debates: 1961
Open challenges: 5278
Users looking for teammates: 0
Users looking for a coach: 2
Forum posts: 56022
Online since: Nov 2013
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What Our Users Say
 "I love the responsiveness to user request here."
 "There are so many things to love... The variety of the formats of the debates is the USP, its great."
 "Better than DDO"