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C David Guittard
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C David Guittard

Name(hidden) GenderMale Male
DOB unspecified OccupationTroll Killer
Country unspecified City(hidden)
IdeologyMinarchistReligionChoatic Magician with Jesus as Avatar
High SchoolunspecifiedUniversityunspecified
Teams(no team)Coach(no coach)
Name(hidden) GenderMale Male
DOB unspecified OccupationTroll Killer
Country unspecified City(hidden)
IdeologyMinarchistReligionChoatic Magician with Jesus as Avatar
High SchoolunspecifiedUniversityunspecified
Teams(no team)Coach(no coach)
Debate Ranking#34
Elo Score1555
Win Ratio100%
Judgment Ranking#341
Average Judge Score0%
Forum Posts7
Joined: Mar 2017
Last Active:
2017-04-13 12:17:59


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Recent forum posts by C David Guittard

Where's the FAQ?
2017-03-19 08:25:29
I want to start a new debate but have questions. Cross-Exam? How do I use?
I'm down
2017-03-18 19:58:28
How do I use cross-exam?
I'm down
2017-03-16 04:48:46
I'm trying to reply to my debate and pressed "start drafting next post" this goes to http://www.edeb8.com/debate/Taxation+is+NOT+theft/post from http://www.edeb8.com/debate/Taxation+is+NOT+theft/...
I'm down
2017-03-12 14:31:29
Facebook. Bunch of political (In this case Libertarian "Think tanks" - actually just people ranting).
I'm down
2017-03-10 09:33:41
Elo (eloquence?) Score?
I'm down
2017-03-10 09:31:53
Thanks! Started a debate and posted link to one of my political groups. Seems nobody wants to accept :(

I guess there's a character limit to posts but how many "rounds" do we get?
I'm down
2017-03-09 18:11:49
So how does this work? Tired of killing trolls on facebook. So, no ad hom, no non-sequitors. How do I get involved?

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