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the bible is TRUE

7 points
8 points
crossedcrossed (PRO)
everything is designed with a purpose. and there is no other explanation besides god


god intelligently created the saber tooth tiger with big teeth so that it can hunt better. if he had not big teeth tiger would have trouble hunting. so god gave them big teeth

god intelligently created the deer with short teeth that are not sharp because the deer only eats plants and does not need big teeth

god designed cats to have scratchy tongues so they can clean each other better. btw they lick themselves clean
cats would be dirty witho

god designed the alligator green so that it can hide in in swampy waters. btw swamp water is green. if god did not make the alligator green it would not be able to sneak up on prey because they prey would see him. this also helps the alligator so it can be camouflaged on land

god gave bats echo location because they fly during the night and it is hard to see in the night. and they are black so they can hide during the night

the polar bear is colored white so that it can hide better in the snow

the t rex has huge teeth because they fight and eat other dinosaurs

the owl has night vision because the owl roam at night and its hard to see in the night so god created the with good eyes

god intelligently created most fish with fins and scales so that they can swim

god designed the pelican a bucket for a beak so that it can swoop down and scoop up fish

god designed humans with hands so that they could grab things.

god gave us legs so that we can walk. and gave us 5 toes so we would be balanced when we stand up and not fall down on our butts
god designed humans with teeth so that they can eat things. though i do not mind eating ice cream

god designed us with an immune system so that we can fight off diseases

evolution says that that they were not designed to do these thing but these examples gained these ability's over millions of years by adapting to there surroundings. but how does evolution explains the health property plants.

i mean

also so many plants have so many health benefits. are you to tell me that the saffron flower over millions of years formed the ability to help with mental illness. how can it possibly not be from intelligent design.

how do you explain the medical property's that are in plants other than they were created by god for medicine purposes.
how would that be on accident

olive oil when consumed helps kill cancer cells when consumed. i believe that god created this plant with this function so when they have cancer they would have a way to kill the cancer cells.

olive oil heals skin when applied to skin also coconut oil and tea tree oil does the same. coconut oil helps with exzeme rah skin so people who have that god thought of you and created something that would help you. and tea tree oil helps with acne. and oil

there is lots of plant and herbs that help with schizophrenia. god created the plant so that when someone is seeing something they are able to treat themselves

apple brokoli lemons green tea. blueberry kiwi fruit celllary etc booost you dna repair system and slows down dna damage. how would these health benefits be in these herbs beside god designed them that way

broccoli helps remove toxins and other poisons from the body. i believe that god designed them that way so that people who have lots of chemicals and other waste would be able to flush out there body of these toxins. what other explanation is these effects were created by god

there are lots of plants that clean out the dirt of toxins and other heavy metals i believe that he designed these plants with these property's so that people would be able to clean out dirt that is contaminated

there are plants that keep bugs away i beleive that god created these plants so that farmers would not have any problems with bugs eating there crops

and there are plants that keep deer away to i believe that god designed these plants so that deer would not eat farmer crops

sweet flag roots i believe were created with the property below by god
It is even observed that if Sweet flag(vacha) taken regularly with honey can have the ability to cure stammering/stuttering problem permanently.

saffron helps with depression

tumeric health benefits again how would these benefits form if not created by god

tumeric can regenerate the brain when consumed and heal brain stem damage i believe god gave them these property's so that they would be able to heal there brain

god said

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

and bible quotes on herbs that are spices
Song of Solomon 4:14 - Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices:

a few bible points

in the bible the kid who was sold to Egypt. the pharos wife started to want him because he ate right. this was back in the day when chemicals were not in food

with Joseph in charge, he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate. Now Joseph was well-built and handsome,
7 and after a while his master’s wife took notice of Joseph and said, “Come to bed with me!”

in genesis in 39

you know how stress can have huge health consequences in the bible it talks about how being sad can kill you

“A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22 (Amplified Bible

the bible says that a bunch of great stuff about honey but why is such praise to honey

honey health benefits can change depending on wear the bees got the nectore for the honey. for example if a bee got honey from a chamomile flower the honey would have the health benefit of easy sleeping or if the bee got the honey from a blackberry bush then the honey would have the health benefits of a blackberries

" Know also that wisdom is like honey for you: If you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." proverbs 26

it is called multi flower honey and its health benefits taste and other change based on the flowers and herbs the honey is produced from
so if you eat wild honey you would eventually get a health benefit that would help you with your needs

Return To Top | Posted:
2019-01-28 14:41:27
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CheesesCheeses (CON)
A lot of sources, but what proof have you that all of this had ANYTHING to do with the Christian God?

Perhaps it was the doing of another superior being.
Perhaps evolution is real.

You can't prove anything by saying just that.

It's also true that there are flaws in the bible. One can be found at the beginning of Genesis, the first book. Yes, it's the story of creation.

On the first day, God created light. But on the fourth day, he created all of the celestial bodies. Now, it's been proved that the only sources of natural light are stars and black holes. Yet he created light far before that.


There are also many other flaws in the Bible.


Also, many stories contradict each other, since there are many different versions of the Bible. Which could be true? Maybe none!
Return To Top | Posted:
2019-01-28 16:27:25
| Speak Round
Cheeses: Now answer that question. Tell me how you can prove that any of those actually have a connection to God? What if it were are mere coincidence?
crossed: god must have known that there would be people that would have problems seeing thing so he designed many plants with properties that would help with scitchofrenia. https://www.naturalalternativeremedy.com/12-natural-remedies-for-schizophrenia/ how would an explosion from nothing over millions of years know that some people would have problems seeing and hearing thing that are not there and there would be a need for a treatment for such an illness. the only possible
crossed: life needs thought the creator or evolution in your case would have to know that a tiger is going to need to kill thing with its mouth. and so it is going to need sharp teeth or teeth in general.how many arge cats do not have teeth none because they would not survive withut them so god did not make any without because they would die. another example is the squirl needs to carry lots of nuts but can only carry one at a time with his hands god knew this would be a problem and so made there cheeks expandable so the sqiurrl can carry them in there mouth
crossed: how would evolution over millions of years produce a spice that can heal brain damage aka tumeric it has to be designed to do this http://naturalsociety.com/turmeric-regenerate-damaged-brain-boost-stem-cells/ https://theheartysoul.com/turmeric-regenerate-brain/
Cheeses: Again, maybe it's just coincidence. Maybe creatures unworthy were immediately wiped out and therefore couldn't survive.
Cheeses: Besides, our evolution could have undergone many failures. Just, we haven't discovered them yet. Like God.
crossed: alright i can see the arguement that all the animals that were not designed wiped out. but i still hold onto my case that you would have to know that the squirrl would need to carry lots of nuts in order to give them ballons for cheeks. simply because this does not explain why plants have medical properties that can only be god
crossed: alright i can see the arguement that all the animals that were not designed well were wiped out. but i still hold onto my case that you would have to know that the squirrl would need to carry lots of nuts in order to give them ballons for cheeks. simply because this does not explain why plants have medical properties. that can only be god and if there were preevolved animals that died because they lacked certain traits would there not be fossiles or bones
crossed: alright i can't find a way to post my next arguement is that becauseof the cross examination

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crossedcrossed (PRO)
my debater said

"On the first day, God created light. But on the fourth day, he created all of the celestial bodies. Now, it's been proved that the only sources of natural light are stars and black holes. Yet he created light far before that."

you only talk about him making the earth the first time he says he would remake it a second time.second time has your answer
ps he probably remakes it after the Apocalypse he says would happen during the end times and i would think that the earth would be polluted. and its is also possible he used the light to create the sun and moon.

so on this remade earth he says that there would be no need for a sun and or moon that god would be thy light

There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. (Revelation 22:5)

when he speaks on when he remakes the earth he says he does not need the sun and the moon and he himself becomes the light.

The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. (Revelation 21:23)

here are some reasons why god would remake the earth

in revelations talks about how god would remake the earth and we would reign on it for 1000 years before we go to heaven

so gods thousand year reign on the new earth solves many problems. firstly people with down syndrome or retarted or any other problem are not going to be able to have wife's and or girlfriends on this earth right now nor in heaven because no one is allowed to breed in heaven. giving everyone there new bodys and have god remake the earth then reghning on it for 1000 years would give these people a chance to experience such relationships. we know that breeding and other stuff is going to be going on the new earth because god releases Satan at the end of the 1000 years because these people who were just born have not been tested he says he want to separate the goat from the sheep's.so Satan try to trick the people who were born during the 1000 into rebellion against him and he builds an army and they all try to march through the city and god snaps his fingers and they are all in hell.


another reason why god would remake the earth is because it would be all trashed and polluted at the end times there would be trash everywhere have you not seen that plastic island we do not leave it nicely.

and there a possibility that heaven could have been the light. he created the heaven before light

one is it also says that he prepared the heavens before he create before light so. i also imagined heavens as a bright place angle seeing and dance the color gold everywhere
this is in proverbs 827

straight out of the source says https://lifehopeandtruth.com/god/is-there-a-god/the-gap-theory/did-god-create-light-before-the-sun/

"The first part of Proverbs 8:27 gives more detail about Day 1 than is evident in Genesis. Before light shone on the water, God “prepared the heavens.” “Heavens” could refer to outer space or the atmosphere, and here the atmosphere seems more likely."

my debater said.
A lot of sources, but what proof have you that all of this had ANYTHING to do with the Christian God? i used a lot of foods as an example and the bible says a lot on food as medicine and said the same thing but with animals two so just focus on the food right now

alright i don't understand the question but with food
the bible says let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine my food little rant here i googled the hell out of this and it was hard to find someone that gave Christianity credit instead of saying its in the bible they all say Hippocrates said the quote. .this source its a stupid hit piece on Christianity and there argument is if food is used as medicine what if they improperly prepare the food and it is raw. stupidest thing ever read

example turmeric health benefits
how would evolution over millions of years produce a spice that can heal brain damage aka tumeric it has to be designed to do this http://naturalsociety.com/turmeric-regenerate-damaged-brain-boost-stem-cells/ https://theheartysoul.com/turmeric-regenerate-brain/

if you search any food or plant you would see along list of health benefits

the christian bible is the only one of two with food as medicine of my knowledge i found something on a Jewish thing but idk only 2 religion teaches food as medicine out of thousand so i'm going bible

we all know what stress can do to the body who said this first


Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones

alright i want to touch upon my own points so i might not disprove some of the point right now simply because i want this to be more than a rebuttal

first one the king james bible is backed up by dead sea scrolls on the account

and many of the people who wrote the king jame bible took icopyed and pasted it from the 40 people writings who experience the stuff first hand like mosos wrote the stuff in his book and the king james bible took his book annd smashed it togeter with 39 other peoples books


alright lets get out of this rebuttal
we found out that drinking wine while pregnant was bad at 1970s. but in the bibles angel says it would be bad somewhere around 300bc

"The angel of the LORD appeared to her and said, “You are barren and childless, but you are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son. 4 Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean"

"Then the woman went to her husband and told him, “A man of God came to me. He looked like an angel of God, very awesome. I didn’t ask him where he came from, and he didn’t tell me his name. 7 But he said to me, ‘You will become pregnant and have a son. Now then, drink no wine or other fermented drink and do not eat anything unclean, because the boy will be a Nazirite of God from the womb "

alright so when the angel told samson mother that she was going to be pregnant with him. she said do not drink any wine or strong drinks it was the 1970s when we found out that that drinking while pregnant was bad

my mom who is like 70 i'm adopted told me that she drank while pregnant. i not related to her so don't worry

god predicted the the earth floats in space years before anyone had been to space. back in the day when everyone believed the earth was flat job:28

"He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing.

" https://biblehub.com/job/26-7.htm

national geographic says that jesus really did exist

and i had some other points at the bottom of first post you might have missed there pretty good and i want to give notice to them

now i am close to the 8000 limit so it must end here i wish this was more than a rebuttal

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2019-02-01 18:02:47
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crossed: evolution believes that there was an explosion that produced life and over millions of years life adapted to there surroundings the polar bear became white because it lived in the snow and needed to hide. bats were black because they roam at night and it would be easier to hide. they also have echo location because its harder to see at night and so on so forth
crossed: i believe god created the polar bear white so that it can hide in the snow. i believe he also colored the bat black because it roams at night and would be harder to see. and that he created the bats with echo location because it would be hard for them to see at night
crossed: which is more resonable

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crossedcrossed (PRO)
you alive

anyway if you had not got what im trying to say

evolution believes that there was an explosion that produced life and over millions of years life adapted to there surroundings the polar bear became white because it lived in the snow and needed to hide. bats were black because they roam at night and it would be easier to hide. they also have echo location because its harder to see at night and so on so forth

i believe god created the polar bear white so that it can hide in the snow. i believe he also colored the bat black because it roams at night and would be harder to see. and that he created the bats with echo location because it would be hard for them to see at night
which is more reasonable

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2019-02-09 16:25:44
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was there a time extension
Posted 2019-02-04 08:44:19
The judging period on this debate is over

Previous Judgments

2019-02-13 12:19:39
dpowell3543Judge: dpowell3543    TOP JUDGE
Win awarded to: Cheeses
Despite the forfeits, I'm giving this to Cheeses. Chesses overall had much better grammar, spelling and arguments. crossed provided a lot of "examples" as to how the bible could be true, but none of them were very good. All Cheeses had to do was point this out and they did just that.

crossed: First off, work on the grammar and spelling. I'm probably not the only judge who thinks it's an eyesore. Also, as I stated before, the examples you presented to try to prove your case were terrible. You need to try to find some better examples on how the bible could be true. Take for instance we have found Noah's ark, history books directly mention Jesus Christ (though they call him Jesus of Nazarene), the fact that we have discovered stone tablets containing the 10 commandments, etc. Saying creatures and plants have so and so properties because God gave them to them doesn't prove that the Bible is true.

Cheeses: Try to not forfeit any rounds. Though the rules say you won't forfeit the debate for forfeiting a round, it still doesn't look good and most judges will still penalize you for it. Always try to post something. Also, there were some issues with your grammar as well, so work on that a bit. Otherwise, good job.

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they found Noah ark and they found tablets with writing that say that say creature and plants have properties because god gave them interesting. thank you i did not know that.

what i was trying to say is that it had to be god that gave them these propertys for instance you would have to know that the owl is going to roam at night in order to give it night vision. evolution says that it has night vision because it adapted to the night climate. but this does not explain plants
Posted 2019-02-14 05:53:30
Just because plants have and animals have certain properties and features, doesn't mean the bible is true.
Posted 2019-02-16 17:49:51
I didn't mean to post that. Any way. The debate wasn't about what God did or could have done. It was about whether or not the Bible is true. Plants having properties is irrelevant.
Posted 2019-02-16 17:52:15
Ace is always highAce is always high
Please Crossed who are they ? what is the name of the group, company, llc, anything i would love to know who this they is you speak of
Posted 2019-02-26 14:52:24
ACE is to high dpowell3543 says that we found Noah ark in his comment
Posted 2019-02-28 05:35:43
dpowell3543 plants having medical benefits have everything to do with the bible since god says to use fruits and vegetables as medicine with the quote let thy food be thy medicine and my medicine thy food. plus how would such medical properties get in food if it was not god. how does a spice called turmeric heal brain damage
Posted 2019-02-28 05:40:38
2019-02-14 09:01:09
Ur_WrongJudge: Ur_Wrong
Win awarded to: crossed
The arguments presented by pro give a clear display of the Bible lining up with modern science.

The arguments presented by Cheeses seemed to be a lot of copy and paste arguments which he couldn't personally defend.
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2019-02-14 09:45:59
MichaelHobertTheOnlyJudge: MichaelHobertTheOnly
Win awarded to: crossed
Crossed wins only because Cheeses wasn't there to defend his points.
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1 user rated this judgement as exceptional
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2019-02-17 13:24:11
JesusloverJudge: Jesuslover
Win awarded to: crossed
The bible is real, I go to SOLID ROCK and there is too much evidence that God is real and the bible is real to come up with reasons that it isn't! When you cry out to Jesus he answers and if you say that the bible isn't true or real than you're saying that Jesus isn't real/true and he is very real, so I think that if you say that the bible isn't true or real than you are making a very wrong decision.

I think some people are in denial but cheeses, I know it was very hard for you to come up with evidence other than the science bull crap you looked up because it isn't true and I think you should open a bible and read it and understand it before you make judgements that it isn't real.
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2019-02-20 12:54:26
caelanJudge: caelan
Win awarded to: crossed
Every word in the bible are words that God said
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1 user rated this judgement as biased
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Do you think God itself wrote the Bible?
Posted 2019-03-19 02:58:15
2019-02-20 13:56:45
GuitarKirbyJudge: GuitarKirby
Win awarded to: Cheeses
In spite of the later round forfeitures, I think Con deserves the win here. While forfeiting rounds is generally considered bad tactics, I don't know that Pro made any points outside of their first round. Pro's rebuttal to Con's first round was also really, really weird.

Pro was difficult to follow and Con was not thanks to the far better structuring.

Pro: As has already been stated, you have to watch your grammar, spelling, and structure. You almost want to present your side of the debate like a formal essay in which you state a thesis and then use sources to defend it; having it look the way you did is just unacceptable and will lose you many debates if you aren't careful. Make sure that your points are relevant to the debate topic; you had to prove the bible accurate, not point out plant features and potential for design in nature. When trying to talk about the bible, interpreting the information is always tricky, but interpreting it the way you did was not only - I think - flat out wrong, but difficult to follow.

Con: You will very probably lose this debate because you didn't post in the final two rounds. Try not to lose track of those, and request a time extension if you need one. Saying anything is almost always better than saying nothing, and bringing up counter-points is exceptionally useful, especially in religiously charged debate topics. Watch your grammar as well - if you'd had a more experienced and prepared opponent you might have lost on that basis, as well.
1 user rated this judgement as good
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2019-02-23 04:42:58
Mr. BillJudge: Mr. Bill
Win awarded to: crossed
I am giving the win to PRO. I think that Con would have won if they had continued, but do to their lack of effort I’m giving the win to PRO. Con had some decent arguments building but didn’t have a chance to finish them.

Crossed: First off you need to improve your grammar. You didn’t even put periods on your sentences. The large number of paragraphs also made it hard to follow your arguments. Your arguments were a bit week. The fact that the Bible was at least somewhat scientifically accurate doesn’t necessarily mean that it is completely true. Also, there were many arguments that you didn’t use that you could have. Here are a couple…
Documentation. Thousands of ancient, hand-copied documents—referred to as “manuscripts”— provide proof of the New Testament and Old Testament’s historical consistency. In fact, there is significantly more documentation for the books of the Bible than there are for other historically recognized authors and literature, such as Plato and The Iliad.
Archeological findings. Excavation sites and artifacts also provide evidence that many of the events, people and places mentioned in the Bible really existed—such as the city Jericho and its famous walls or the Hittites, a people group once thought by skeptics to be a myth.

The life of Jesus. The fact that Jesus was a true, historical person is clearly documented by Jewish manuscripts, even before Apostle Paul and the writers of Gospels provided their eye witness accounts. Other ancient cultural documents also reference his existence. For instance, the Roman leader and historian Tacitus wrote:
“Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus …”
Fulfilled prophecies. The Bible contains hundreds, even thousands, of prophecies that have been fulfilled, including detailed descriptions of events that would later happen to the Jewish people and surrounding nations, as well as prophecies about the life and death of Christ.
Redeemed lives. The Bible speaks to the condition of the human soul in a way that has life-changing impact on individuals from all cultures, nations and walks of life. Just to name a few:
-C.S. Lewis, a former atheist who became one of the world’s most influential Christian apologists
-John Newton, a slave-ship master who converted to Christianity and later wrote the famous hymn, “Amazing Grace”
-Norma McCorvey, the woman at the heart of the U.S. Supreme Court case that resulted in nationwide legalized abortion, Roe v. Wade. She now speaks for the right of the preborn to live.
(taken from https://www.bringyourbible.org/5-evidences-the-bible-is-true/)

Cheeses: The main thing is that you need to finish and not forfeit. Also Quora.com isn’t a reliable source.

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2019-02-26 14:49:17
Ace is always highJudge: Ace is always high
Win awarded to: Cheeses
Okay cross you win by default because of the forfeit but let me tell you exactly why your way of debating and the "facts" and truth that you use will not work on anybody that happens to be in the west so to speak because our society as a whole has been shaped and directed and designed based on Christian Bible weather people in America Canada pretty much anywhere in the west would like to police or not that being said the answers you give and proofs that you provide are very Hollow. Here's an a small example of some of the reasoning that you tried to use " it's hard to see at night so God decided to give the owl night vision" I don't know like how that can be taken as anything but like subjective like okay sure approve it can we call God and ask him or her "hey excuse me did you design the owl specifically to have night vision because it's hard to see at nigh" No, of course, you can't so that line of reasoning and that type of tactic can't be used because you're not even giving your opponent a Level Playing Field to actually debate you on and also reading through basically what the rest of the debate that was about I really didn't know what you were talking about or what point you were trying to get at because honestly nothing in the whole of it actually helped prove the validity and truth and factual correctness of the Bible are not saying that it's not factually correct and it's not true I'm just saying you really didn't do anything to do accomplish that. Please don't take what I'm saying at is being rude or inflammatory I just figured I could be constructive because maybe you don't realize that you know you can't use what you're claiming to be true as evidence that it is true that doesn't work if that makes sense.

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Ace is always highAce is always high
***will not work on anybody that happens to be NOT* be in the west***
Posted 2019-02-26 14:54:04

Rules of the debate

  • Text debate
  • Individual debate
  • 3 rounds
  • 8000 characters per round
  • No reply speeches
  • Uses cross-examination
  • Permissive Judging Standard (notes)
  • Forfeiting rounds does not mean forfeiting the debate
  • No images
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  • Rated debate
  • Time to post: 3 days
  • Time to vote: 2 weeks
  • Time to prepare: None