thank you for taking.This video was posted by France 24 it is a YouTube channel with around a million subscriber.The reason why this France video is talking about sweet wormwood is because it has been banned in France because big pharma is afraid people would heal themselfs with wormwood and they lie and say there is side effects when none exist.The only reason why it is illegal is from big pharma bribing
This source is very reliable
"France 24 is an international news and current affairs
television channel based in Paris. The channel is owned by the French
A famous explorer got malaria he ate sweet wormwood and it killed 98 percent of the disease. Later the last 2 percent showed up. He started to take sweet wormwood as a herbal tea.In 24 hours he was feeling better. In 48 hours he was completely cured from the disease.Never has another malaria attack in his life
11:52 through 12:00The famous explored recounts his experience in a book that sold 400 thousand copies.
21:20 22:00
A doctor recounts how sweet wormwood cured him of malaria.He took drugs to no success.But a friend offered him a plant and by the 7th day he was cured of the disease.
22:00 to 23:00
documented a decline of malaria incidence among almost 300 workers
drinking the tea, and followed up with the randomized controlled trial
demonstrating the tea’s effectiveness. Today, workers like Peter Osire,
an irrigation supervisor, tell me it has been years since they had a
was where country's used radio signals to do unreparable damage to the
enemy soldiers body's.The same thing is being done today with 5g. but on
the citizens.
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malaria in nine months by 55 %
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documented a decline of malaria incidence among almost 300 workers
drinking the tea, and followed up with the randomized controlled trial
demonstrating the tea’s effectiveness. Today, workers like Peter Osire,
an irrigation supervisor, tell me it has been years since they had a
"The team carried out further tests, only to be baffled when the compound’s powers seemed to melt away. Tu reread the recipe, written more than 1600 years ago in a text appositely titled "Emergency Prescriptions Kept Up One’s Sleeve". The directions were to soak one bunch of wormwood in water and then drink the juice.
Tu realised that their method of preparation, boiling up the wormwood, might have damaged the active ingredient. So she made another preparation using an ether solvent, which boils at 35 °C. When tested on mice and monkeys, it proved 100 per cent effective. "We had just cured drug-resistant malaria," Tu says. "We were very excited."
"Tu then had to test the treatment in humans — and tried it on herself
first to make sure it was safe. After enduring no side effects, she
organized clinical trials for people with malaria, and the participants
were cleared of the disease within little more than a day"
She got a noble prize for it.40 years later after who made the plant illegal so no one can cure themselfs.She is finally getting recognition for here part in the Vietnam war.Her part in curing malaria is why the communist were able to win so may of those battles.
11:10 through 11:52
21:20 through 22
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21:20 22:00
A doctor recounts how sweet wormwood cured him of malaria.He took drugs to no success.But a friend offered him a plant and by the 7th day he was cured of the disease.
A famous explorer got malaria he ate sweet wormwood and it killed 98 percent of the disease. Later the last 2 percent showed up. He started to take sweet wormwood as a herbal tea.In 24 hours he was feeling better. In 48 hours he was completely cured from the disease.Never has another malaria attack in his life
the Ugandan Ministry of Health documented a decline of malaria
incidence among almost 300 workers drinking the tea, and followed up
with the randomized controlled trial demonstrating the tea’s
effectiveness. Today, workers like Peter Osire, an irrigation
supervisor, tell me it has been years since they had a fever."
"We had just cured drug-resistant malaria," Tu says. "We were very
were cleared of the disease within little more than a day"
"Patients with Drug-Resistant Malaria Cured by Plant Therapy Developed at Worcester Polytechnic Institute"
"Tablets made from dried leaves of theArtemisia annua
plant cured 18 critically ill patients in a Congo clinic. The results
suggest a new and inexpensive treatment option for the mosquito-borne
disease that affects 212 million peopleworldwide."
"Patients with drug-resistant malaria cured by plant therapy. When the
standard malaria medications failed to help 18 critically ill patients,
the attending physician in a Congo clinic acted under the "compassionate
use" doctrine and prescribed a not-yet-approved malaria therapy made
only from the dried leaves of the Artemisia annua plant. In just five
days Artemisinin cured malaria in all"
I found 2 instances of this curing
"Secondary end points were parasite clearance times, day 15 cure
rate, and the number of repeat episodes of malaria within 29 days. Three
days after treatment, 133 (100%) of the evaluable patients in the
CGP56697 group and 128 (93%) of the evaluable children in the P/S group
were free of parasites."
22:00 to 23:00
cured doctor gets gets a masters degree in France to pursue research on the plant that cured him of malaria.But when he tried to share it.The higher ups got afraid because all there funding comes from big pharma and he was silenced.
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With respect, your narrative suggested a wormwood tea was a cure for malaria. The source I referenced from The Lancet journals suggest otherwise.
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