Reality television should be banned, it is a sign of a society so far removed from the natural course of enlightenment and real human connection that we would need to be offered 'prize sums' in order to co-operate as a civic group of people ... even worse, is that consumers of reality television must face awful terrors or misery in their own planned lives that they need the coaxing of scripted reality tv shows to entertain them, that they cannot find entertainment within their own pursuit of intellectual glory or within the chosen art forms of dedicated actors or musicians who create carefully sculpted stage performances and beautiful interweaving narratives in theatre and live music, that they would rather watch a group of socially/financially deprived citizens forced to compete for resources, broadcast on live television.
Is that art? or cruel, and unusual punishment?
This 'Reality tv' is simply publicised humiliations of common citizens, lacking in social skills and thus easily pushed to cling to the false recognition of studio audiences and tabloid newspapers, citizens who have had the spotlight turned on them by tv presenters too corrupt or ill-equipped to host an honest or empowering show, and instead set about to manipulate those with weak moral standing into performing like dancing monkeys on front of a half-brain dead population of entertainment and praise starved capatistic slaves ...
Citizens who instead should be shown the path of a greater, happier life, by those who know of it.
Reality television should be banned, it makes a mockery of true artists and is a symptom of the larger problems of a sadistic, and beaten down social group ...
Bring back the Gilmore girls!!
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2018-05-13 17:07:11
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2018-05-20 17:08:05
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2018-06-03 17:10:12
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