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drugs should be made legal in south africa

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The argumentation has to be left to the participants in their debate posts then everyone else can have the opportunity to judge the arguments made and give feedback without influencing the debate as it is happening. It just makes it fairer for everyone.
Posted 2016-03-07 07:25:31
I dont think that , that would be a great idea because that would just cause more problems. But, also we have to know that if they don't get it legally then they will just find another way to get the, perhaps it would be illegally.
Posted 2016-03-06 14:18:14
@Ashley , @happymzimela2
I don't think you are allowed to argue your debate outside of the posts you submit for each round. Besides that it is not tactically advantageous because the judges cannot consider these comments as arguments for your case.
Posted 2016-03-06 08:07:27
your point is okay in the drug users view point but is not as relevant in the societie's view point taking into consideration increase in crime and abuse due to allowing drugs
Posted 2016-03-05 03:16:42
There's fine by people who are in used druging its their lifes so let them..
Posted 2016-03-02 04:02:17
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  • Time to post: 5 days
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