EDEB8 - Ultimate Online Debating
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EDEB8 is superior to debate.org

11 points
0 points
adminadmin (PRO)
We got team debates, real video debates, secret topics, random sides, better voting mechanisms, voting feedback, groups, 4-way debates, proper image embedding, hotlinking, prep time, live chat, more profile status options, leaders replies etc. We have all the features of DDO and then some!
Return To Top | Posted:
2014-01-09 22:22:45
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nzlockienzlockie (CON)
On DDO every second debate is a high schooler posting about religion, education or who would win between Goku and ...
It makes me feel like I'm one of the smartest ones in the room.
Return To Top | Posted:
2014-01-09 22:29:19
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adminadmin (PRO)
On EDEB8 you can bask in the presence of legends, becoming wiser and greater. If you say you're from DDO, people will think you're a dumb high schooler. Not so for EDEB8.

Jesus told me he endorses EDEB8. 9/10 doctors agree EDEB8 is right for you. EDEB8 is the Dagobar system. EDEB8 rocks.
Return To Top | Posted:
2014-01-09 22:53:52
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nzlockienzlockie (CON)
On DDO the legends graciously bless you with their wisdom, not by actually debating but by making snide observations in the comments sections and pontificating in the forums.
DDO told me Jesus doesn't exist so I don't know who you were talking to...
Return To Top | Posted:
2014-01-09 23:00:15
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adminadmin (PRO)
Not much wisdom to be had on those forums. I mean, trolls live there.

The number of people called Jesus is over 9000 (http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Jesus). They must be thinking of God.

Yeah, I did just use a source in a short debate. #booyah

EDEB8 also has a shorter domain name.
Return To Top | Posted:
2014-01-09 23:16:47
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nzlockienzlockie (CON)
DDO is a wealth of information. It has banner ads that tell me where I can get antivirus software, opinions which tell me that mayonnaise is an instrument and polls that tell me Batman can beat anyone. Except Goku.
Also: http://www.debate.org/polls/do-you-think-edeb8-is-better-than-ddo

Return To Top | Posted:
2014-01-09 23:30:55
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This is some nice Soviet style propaganda.
Posted 2014-04-07 08:13:15
Yup, that did it. Nice work!
Posted 2014-01-09 23:48:02
Ah ha! Got it. That was a very insightful bug report right there.

Posted 2014-01-09 23:45:15
Hmm maybe not? To get it to 5 rounds I had to select 7 rounds.
Leaving it at the default of 5 actually only gave me 3. Maybe I needed to clear cookies or something?
Posted 2014-01-09 23:43:31
And... I've just fixed the first (and hopefully only) quick debate bug, with it doing the wrong number of rounds. nzlockie you might want to recreate your other quick debate sorry.
Posted 2014-01-09 23:34:46
The judging period on this debate is over

Previous Judgments

2014-01-10 20:19:40
PinkieJudge: Pinkie    TOP JUDGE
Win awarded to: admin
Everything DDO has and then some won it for me.
3 users rated this judgement as biased
1 user rated this judgement as good
1 user rated this judgement as exceptional
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2014-01-14 04:56:46
JV-StalinJudge: JV-Stalin
Win awarded to: admin
Admin went on about many features that made Edeb8 better than that other site. This debate seemed to have went into a troll debate, as Con stated most people on that other site are high schooler who know nothing and it makes him feel smart. Admin made a good point. If you say you're from that other site people will think you're dumb. Pro also said doctors recommend Edeb8. Pro pointed out trolls live in the forums and edeb8 has a shorter name. Con ended in a poll and said that other site gives you ads. Con never responded to the main points presented by Pro. That it has many more features.
5 users rated this judgement as exceptional
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2014-01-13 02:35:05
TheAntidoterJudge: TheAntidoter
Win awarded to: admin
I really don't think I can get 400 characters with a debate that most likley doesn't even equal that in total, but I would have to say that Admin won due to the huge amount of dropped arguments from the first round, especially the voting system. It is amazing. Anyways, Glad for a good debate, and I don't know how to tell if this is 400 characters or not.
1 user rated this judgement as good
4 users rated this judgement as exceptional
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2014-01-15 02:16:41
De@thJudge: De@th
Win awarded to: admin
everything told about edeb8 is awesome, cos the site is really superior to almost every other sites, when it comes to the matter of debating. And well said that, the quality of debating improves only when you dbate with people better than you....
and i hence support the pro in his idea that "edeb8 is superior to debate.org"

it has been an entertaining discussion and con too came up with interesting idea on how happy u feel after winning every debate in debate.org, though it is little high-schoolers down there....
Also well said about the advertisements in debate.org...its a matter of pleasure and pride that edeb8 doesn't endorse such things....though we'll have to agree with con that it denies 'valuable' 'general knowledge'.... :P
1 user rated this judgement as biased
3 users rated this judgement as exceptional
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Rules of the debate

  • Text debate
  • Individual debate
  • 3 rounds
  • 300 characters per round
  • No reply speeches
  • No cross-examination
  • Community Judging Standard (notes)
  • Forfeiting rounds does not mean forfeiting the debate
  • No images
  • No HTML formatting
  • Rated debate
  • Time to post: 3 days
  • Time to vote: 2 weeks
  • Time to prepare: None
You asked for it... try a twitter style debate against me someone!