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That wearing the hijab in public should be banned

9 points
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JohannesJohannes (PRO)
(first of all, let me premise my argument with the fact that I don't actually agree with the side I'm arguing for but I'm simply just going to do my best to make a good case for it)

Perhaps an obvious rebuttal to this argument would be something along the lines of: "Millions wear cross pendants to school every day so why couldn't they wear a hijab too?". The reason for this is that the cross pendant falls into the category of religious expression, while the hijab, I would argue, does not. The very institution of the hijab represents the subjugation of women to men. Thus, to wear a hijab is to support this subjugation. The most inalienable right as a human is the right to live and be equal. The hijab, as well the burka, was instituted to oppress and subjugate women.

1300 years ago in the Western world, women were the property of men, it is still the same in Muslim countries with strict Islamic law. Islam sees women less then men. Their witness value is 1/2 of men. Their inheritance is 1/2 men. And regardless of what some mullahs preach, they love marrying underage girls. All high mullahs or clerics marry underage girls, under 18. Women need permission of men to travel, study, marry etc. etc. Men have no restrictions in Islam. They get to marry several wives. The amount of domestic abuse is criminal, women trapped in marriages as sex and birth slaves.  I'm not trying to say that the hijab is a form of domestic abuse or anything like that, but I'm certainly saying it represents an ideology that unfortunately breeds these values. Thus, to support the hijab as a form of "religious expression" is to support the patriarchal system of the Islamic Middle East, and with that, the oppression of women on a systematic scale.

I think it's also valid, given current circumstances, to assert that Islam has become an enemy of America. Yes, in America we celebrate diversity among all types and embrace it, but there are obviously exceptions to this; for example, we don't celebrate and call the 'KKK' our brothers/sisters. Yet we're afraid to do it for Islam. Again, do not misunderstand me, I'm not trying to imply that all Muslims are terrorists, but it is true that all terrorists are Muslim. This should mean something to you. Just as Christianity is criticized when there is a case of child molestation from a priest, we should criticize Islam when there is a terrorist attack. But double standards have essentially become the standard nowadays which is truly unfortunate. It's a mystery to me why we're afraid to condemn a religion that hates us, if you've ever been to the Middle East, for the most part, everyone there hates Americans, and it's not because of a travel ban or a stigma, it is because we're infidels to them. Islam, on a wide scale, is a systematically threatening religion for America. It is truly unfortunate that the good-hearted Muslims of the world must bear the burden of the state of their religion but it is also appropriate. The hijab even if you do consider it religious expression represents a religion who's ideology is fundamentally flawed from the core. The Koran contradicts itself on a systematic basis and the entire principle of Koranic abrogation, which is accepted by almost all modern Islamic scholars, promotes that the later part of the Koran, where Muhammad was a warlord killing infidels, as superior to the beginning parts of the Koran, where the principles of peace, love, and unity were preached. It is no coincidence that radical jihadism has occurred as a result of this religion because the religion itself is flawed. Thus, we should not and cannot support the promotion of a religion that is a threat to our national security, and thus--wearing the hijab in a public school should be banned, we should shield our students from a culture that hates them at all costs--you wouldn't let a student in a Jewish school bear a Nazi flag in the 1940s.

Thanks, I look forward to your response.

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2018-11-09 08:10:15
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Technically the Hijab is not mandatory in the US. Apparently, the US Constitution makes Sharia Law (the sole law of Islam) illegal in the United States since it would infringe on the rest of our rights in one way or another. Last I checked, women are required to wear the hijab by Sharia Law.
Posted 2018-11-24 14:16:03
The judging period on this debate is over

Previous Judgments

2018-11-15 04:56:02
nzlockieJudge: nzlockie    TOP JUDGE
Win awarded to: Johannes
2018-11-16 10:32:23
Travis BabcockJudge: Travis Babcock
Win awarded to: Johannes
2018-11-17 17:27:40
pakau1Judge: pakau1
Win awarded to: Johannes
well. I agree to what symbol hijab was designed to reflect but that was a while ago and for you to see a change in that is to change the mentality.
I felt a rage in your part of the discussion. you should understand that you're comparing the ideologies of primitive societies and fighting for equality but by banning hijab you yourself are taking away their(women) command over choices. You're against patriarchy and control over women' choices and somehow in order to bring reforms you do not realize that you're becoming a part of the ideology you're trying to bury.

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2018-11-20 21:42:36
Itshouldbeknown_16Judge: Itshouldbeknown_16
Win awarded to: Johannes
While I don't agree with Johannes is not the point, I agree that there is a stigma of abuse around the religion and that could be seen in their clothing.
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2018-11-24 14:19:36
dpowell3543Judge: dpowell3543    TOP JUDGE
Win awarded to: Johannes
I'm voting for Johannes because Carefuwiththat forfeited every round in this debate, therefore failed to provide any points to sway my decision.

I'm not sure if Carefulwiththat just didn't know how to respond or have time, but I would suggest that even if you can't think of something, try to do your best to at least refute your opponent's points. That way you can avoid taking any hits for forfeiting and you still have a chance to make a point.
1 user rated this judgement as good
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2018-11-27 01:57:00
Abdullah HumoudJudge: Abdullah Humoud
Win awarded to: Johannes
2018-11-27 08:09:38
Drew ManningJudge: Drew Manning
Win awarded to: Johannes
Carefulwiththat: A debate is not won this way. You must provide reasonable points and not forfeit as this if anything, represents an insecure argument/point.
Johannes: This argument is valiantly pursued considering it is not your position. You write your argument eloquently and it follows nicely.

Carefulwiththat: Choose a solid point to make, and work on ways to defend it. At least contribute something to your argument.
Johannes: Consider points relating to the fact that these women consent to wearing their choice of religious pieces. There are many counter arguments to this that you could work from, but it is an enormous point that you haven't acknowledged that an opposing side could easily use against you.
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  • Text debate
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  • 4 rounds
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  • Time to post: 1 day
  • Time to vote: 2 weeks
  • Time to prepare: 1 hour
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