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Building a Wall is not Racist

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ProfessorProfessor (PRO)
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I believe that building a border wall is not at all racist. People seem to suggest that it’s sending the wrong message. The message that the wall is sending is “Use the front door”. Thousands of illegal immigrants from Mexico enter through the American borders and I think  a wall is very much needed to protect our border. The illegal immigrants that enter through the borders use American services without having to pay money for it. Basically, the taxes you pay go towards aliens who don’t have legal rights to live in the United States. $113 billion is lost in tax revenue a year in US because of illegal immigration. Drugs, weapons and several criminals are also crossing the border. The wall would result in immigrants using legal ways to enter America, rather than illegal ways. Several immigrant abuses occur in the US, and these would be reduced if illegal immigration is halted. Legal Americans should be the number one priority, not illegals who think of America so poorly that they enter illegally.

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2020-04-06 21:51:22
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  • Time to post: 3 days
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In this debate, anyone who thinks the Wall is racist can debate me, because I don’t think it’s racist.