admin |
Feb 23 2016 9:12 PM
Anyone here use a Mac? iPhone? What do you think of Tim Cook?
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Krazy |
Feb 23 2016 11:09 PM
I use an iPhone. I personally don't like Tim because he's a homosexual, but apple products are still of supreme quality regardless of the personal life of the CEO.
How can a person hate homosexuals but still enjoy what they produce and invent? isn't that a big contradiction? Shouldn't gay haters just use what only heterosexuals produced and invented?

Krazy |
Feb 24 2016 11:32 AM condeelmaster:
isn't that a big contradiction?
No. It would be a contradiction if I used an iPhone if my iPhone was homosexual. But that isn't the case.
If Thomas Edison was a murderer, would you refuse to use the light bulb, solely because he was a killer? Of course not. Just because the inventor is a wicked person, that doesn't mean that the invention itself is bad.
And by the way, Tim Cook did not invent the iPhone.
f Thomas Edison was a murderer, would you refuse to use the light bulb, solely because he was a killer?I
I wouldn't refuse to use the light bulb, but I don't hate murderers either.
In your case, you hate homosexuals and you want to execute them. If people executed all homosexuals, we would definitely progress way slower. If we executed all homosexuals, like you want, we wouldn't have computers (touring), women right to vote (Emma Gross, Susan B. Anthony and Anna Howard Shaw), art (DaVinci, Michael Jackson, Truman Capote are just some examples), the Sistine chapel (Michelangelo), Greek philosophy (most of them were gay or bisexual), catholic philosophy (yep, st. Augustine was gay), and these are just a few examples....

Krazy |
Feb 24 2016 1:07 PM condeelmaster:
Oh so now it's not about the iPhone, now it's about the death penalty. That was a smooth transition.
You still haven't explained why buying an iPhone is contradicting. Whether or not an invention is made by a vile person has no relevance on the effectiveness of the technology.
If people executed all homosexuals, we would definitely progress way slower.
Executing homosexuals is progress.

Krazy |
Feb 24 2016 1:12 PM condeelmaster:
You don't agree? Read Leviticus 20:13.
. Whether or not an invention is made by a vile person has no relevance on the effectiveness of the technology.
The contradiction is not the vileness of those people but the fact you hate them. And again, homosexuals helped a lot to develop the world. Even Christian philosophy had gay icons.
And I won't change my mind just because an allegorical book tells me so.

Krazy |
Feb 25 2016 6:27 AM condeelmaster:
The contradiction is not the vileness of those people but the fact you hate them
A few points.
1. Tim Cook did not invent the iPhone, so I have no idea why you're still making this argument.
2. It's only a contradiction if my iPhone is homosexual, which it's not.
3. Even if this bizarre logic is true, it has no relevance to the morality of homosexuality. It's still evil.
And again, homosexuals helped a lot to develop the world
How does being a homosexual make someone more able to develop the world? Homosexuality, by definition, harms the world; because it is sin. All sin is harmful.
Homosexuality is the biggest cause of so many STDs, and being a homosexual can shorten your lifespan by 20 years. Homosexuality has killed millions of people.
Even Christian philosophy had gay icons.
The only gay icons in the Bible are Sodom and Gomorrah. And those cities were destroyed with fire and brimstone.
And I won't change my mind just because an allegorical book tells me so.
And you want me to change my mind because you say so? Now THAT is a contradiction.
How does being a homosexual make someone more able to develop the world?
I said that many homosexuals contributed to the progress of humanity, so if we had executed them all, we wouldn't be so progressed.
being a homosexual can shorten your lifespan by 20 years
From where do you know that?? Personal experience? or scientific evidence?
The only gay icons in the Bible are Sodom and Gomorrah.
St Augustine, David And Jonathan in Samuel, The Centurion And Pais in Mathew....
And you want me to change my mind because you say so? Now THAT is a contradiction.
I'm not asking you to change your mind. However there's a big difference between my logical argument and your allegorical book....

Krazy |
Feb 25 2016 8:17 AM condeelmaster:
From where do you know that?? Personal experience? or scientific evidence?
A scientific journal:
R. S. Hogg, S. A. Strathdee, et al., “Modeling the Impact of HIV Disease on Mortality in Gay and Bisexual Men,” International Journal of Epidemiology, 26(3

657-661, p. 659 (1997). Death as the result of HIV infection has dropped significantly since 1996. “Life Expectancy Hits New High in 2000; Mortality Declines for Several Leading Causes of Death,” CDC News Release, October 10, 2001, www.cdc.gov/nchs/releases/01news/mort2k.htm. Nevertheless, it remains a significant factor in shortened life expectancy for homosexual practitioners.
In fact, most homosexuals are extremely promiscuous. Around 1/3 of all homosexuals have had sex with over 1000 people, most of them strangers. To put that into perspective...there's only 365 days in a year. It is also reported that 75% of homosexuals have had sex with over 100 people. That would lead us to the conclusion that about half of them have had sex with over 500 people, logically speaking.
Source - Alan P. Bell and Martin S. Weinberg, Homosexualities: A study of Diversity Among Men and Women, p. 308, Table 7, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978.
Homosexuals are 80 times more likely to get HIV. Also, a homosexual has a 50% chance of getting HIV by the age of 55. As well as 60 times more likely to get syphilis. This is all very interesting, given that only 1% of people in the world are homosexual.
Source - Paul Van de Ven, et al., “Facts & Figures: 2000 Male Out Survey,” p. 20 & Table 20, monograph published by National Centre in HIV Social Research Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of New South Wales, February 2001.
Also, homosexuals are far more likely to get these (some by 40-80 times
Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C
Hepatitis A
Giardia lamblia
Entamoeba histolytica
Epstein-Barr virus
Neisseria meningitides
Source - Anne Rompalo, “Sexually Transmitted Causes of Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Homosexual Men,” Medical Clinics of North America, 74(6

1633-1645 (November 1990); “Anal Health for Men and Women,” LGBTHealthChannel,
(accessed 3/18/10); “Safer Sex (MSM) for Men who Have Sex with Men,” LGBTHealthChannel, www.gayhealthchannel.com/stdmsm/ (accessed 3/18/10).
“Hepatitis A among Homosexual Men — United States, Canada, and Australia,” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, CDC, 41(09

155, 161-164 (March 06, 1992).
Rompalo, p. 1640.
H. Naher, B. Lenhard, et al., “Detection of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in anal scrapings from HIV-positive homosexual men,” Archives of Dermatological Research, 287(6

608- 611, Abstract (1995).
B. L. Carlson, N. J. Fiumara, et al., “Isolation of Neisseria meningitidis from anogenital specimens from homosexual men,” Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 7(2

71-73 (April 1980).
P. Paulet and G. Stoffels, “Maladies anorectales sexuellement transmissibles” [“Sexually-Transmissible Anorectal Diseases”], Revue Medicale Bruxelles, 10(8

327-334, Abstract (October 10, 1989).
If you wish to learn more information, go to factsaboutyouth.com. That's where I got all this information. So to answer your question, no, this is not my personal experience. These are facts.

Krazy |
Feb 25 2016 8:21 AM condeelmaster:
My apologies for the emojis. This website interprets ":" and "(" as an emoji, when that is not the intention.

Krazy |
Feb 25 2016 8:24 AM condeelmaster:
However, the frowny faces are very fitting, in light of these facts.
Ok, when you start using actual information instead of papers from more than 20 years ago we could discuss. However,having more possibillity of getting a disease doesn't make you evil, or deserving of execution. I mean, children and old people have a big risk of having serious diseases, but you don't think we must execute kids, or that old people is evil, do you?

Krazy |
Feb 25 2016 11:00 AM condeelmaster:
Ok, when you start using actual information instead of papers from more than 20 years ago we could discuss
So you're just dismissing all of those facts?
No, I'm just saying they were facts more than twenty years ago. Reality changes. Even more in this kinds of issues. Those studies are outdated.

Krazy |
Feb 25 2016 12:07 PM condeelmaster:
Yeah, you're rejecting them. I gave you raw facts, and you're saying they are flat out not true. Prove that they are false.
And you still haven't really explained why me having an iPhone is a contradiction. Why is it a contradiction? Because first of all, Tim Cook didn't even invent the iPhone. Second of all, it would only be a contradiction if my iPhone was homosexual. Third of all, even if it is a contradiction, that doesn't prove that homosexuality is okay.

admin |
Feb 25 2016 10:05 PM Krazy:
I think the point was, the homosexuals who would be subjected to study in such times would be the ones who were least able to control their sexual desires and keep them under wraps. Of course then they would be more promiscuous than the general population. In statistics that's what would be called a sampling error. The studies aren't wrong in their findings, but might be if they try to generalize those findings to all gay people. Similarly, straight people who are promiscuous also have an increased risk of diseases.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!

Krazy |
Feb 26 2016 10:49 AM admin:
Of course promiscuity is harmful for anybody - hetero or homo.