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David NicholssunbrightThere are no migrants to Europe today, only invaders.
David NicholsItWasTakenBlack chicks with straight hair look absurd.
David NicholsRishiD123Segregation existed because of strange behavior.
David NicholsGekkAmerica doesn't have a race problem, it has a problem race.
David NicholsGekkThere is no "hate". Detrimental people are disliked, not hated.
David NicholsGekkIslam should be banned as a criminal organization.
David NicholsGekkWhites can't be Japanese, and Blacks can't be English.
David NicholsGekkIt would be catastrophic if everyone were homosexual.
David NicholsD_a_b_productions1_Stabbing a pregnant woman's fetus, and abortion, are murder.
David NicholsGekkHomosexuality is bad for society.
David NicholsZackDavis1997The KKK was created to keep neighborhoods nice.
David NicholsItWasTakenThe rectum is not a sex organ.
David Nicholscantfindone123People who deny their gender are insane.
David NicholsRishiD123Slavery was a blessing to Blacks.
David Nicholsdengu0924Racism is normal, not systemic or created.
David Nicholsdengu0924Non-Whites cannot be French, British, etc.
David Nicholsdengu0924Foreign immigration is bad for Europe.
David Nicholsdengu0924Same-sex parenting is child abuse.
David NicholsRishiD123Abortion is murder.
David NicholsRishiD123"Homosexual marriage" isn't marriage.
David NicholsFaryal FatimaThe "prophet" Muhammad raped a nine-year-old.