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admin |
Oct 2 2016 4:51 AM Bi0Hazard:
Water guns are ok XD
I don't understand why anyone wouldn't be afraid of something designed to kill people. Luckily there aren't too many guns around here for me to touch.
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Water guns are ok XD
I meant firearms.
I don't understand why anyone wouldn't be afraid of something designed to kill people.
Well, if you are use to them(maybe your hobby), then its different.
Luckily there aren't too many guns around here for me to touch.
If you wanted to buy a handgun right now, could you? Do they sell any within your area?

admin |
Oct 2 2016 5:35 AM Bi0Hazard:
I could probably get a rifle. Handguns - I mean really what on earth would I use as my reason for getting one? There's no way a handgun is useful as a hobby. If I joined a gun club or a hunting club and I did a lot of safety stuff then maybe, but I'd have to come up with one hell of an excuse.
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So, you need a reason? And self defense isn't an adequate one?

admin |
Oct 2 2016 6:00 AM Bi0Hazard:
Pretty much. Guns are not defensive as I've pointed out many times before. At best they're a deterrent, even so a very poor one. Which makes it all the crazier for me that some people want to conceal their guns. It really is a cowboy mentality.
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My Hands Are Yuge
Do you favor free trade? or more protectionist trade policy?

admin |
Oct 16 2016 10:39 AM Bi0Hazard:
I don't like unregulated trade. Governments must retain sovereignty. However I believe in economically competitive international trade. So keep fair regulations and no to trade courts, but other than that I'm all in favor of free trade.
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Do you oppose globalization?
I guess a better question to ask is, what do you mean by governments retaining sovereignty?

admin |
Oct 16 2016 10:47 AM Bi0Hazard:
Insofar as it is at odds with self-determination, yes. But I believe technology and economic capacity which brings people together is a good thing, so that part of globalization I fully support.
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admin |
Oct 16 2016 10:49 AM Bi0Hazard:
I mean that many trade deals take responsibility for regulating that trade away from the people and into the hands of trade courts. They also may impose fines on governments that break the deal. These kinds of provisions, in my mind, break the fundamental principles of democracy and good governance.
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On free trade deals, are you for or against the Trans-pacific partnership (TPP)?

admin |
Dec 3 2016 10:13 AM Bi0Hazard:
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Why? Is it because multinational corporations will benefit at the expense of workers by shipping jobs to lower wage countries? or do you just think there is too many hidden stipulations in the deal (no trust)?

admin |
Dec 3 2016 10:20 AM Bi0Hazard:
More the former.
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Do you think that world peace, meaning total peace, and unity, is possible?