This Google Document of mine, which I created, contains my argument:
Return To Top | Posted:
2016-01-26 09:45:09
| Speak Round
The argument provided by Pro has an amount of characters of approximately 19000. The rules of this debate say that the arguments presented should be of no more than 8000 characters long. As maths can prove, the Pro's argument is more than double the long permitted. This means that Pro is breaking the rules, thus Pro has lost the debate.
Thank you for the challenge anyway. Hope you follow the rules so we can have a fair debate next time. Cheers!
Return To Top | Posted:
2016-01-26 10:37:54
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Actually, I only posted around 60 characters, the rule is against posting more than 8000 characters, which I did not do.
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2016-01-26 12:49:45
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It's still cheating!! The argument must be 8000 characters and yours was pretty longer. Judges must take into account not only the cheating but the attitude towards it.
Anyway, I've read your whole argument and It's complete based upon sacred texts. Sacred texts are not credible sources. For further information search in Google for scholar sources or credible sources.
Since your sources are not credible ones, your argument is also not credible.
The resolution is negated.
Return To Top | Posted:
2016-01-26 12:55:06
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You do not need a bible to tell that beating or raping your wife is wrong do you? According to Unholy Qur'an 4:34 beating your wife is OK, and according to Unholy Qur'an 2:223 raping your wife is also OK, so you tell me, is either of these things OK?
Return To Top | Posted:
2016-01-29 07:56:48
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Then how is it that Pro believes in the bible? How is it that Pro believes in a text as violent and "evil" as the Quran.
Quoting Pro's "holy" bible:
- "Then I heard the Lord say to the other men, “Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all—old and young, girls and women and little children." Is it good to kill innocent children? Is it good to have no mercy, nor pity?
- "If a priest's daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she also defiles her father's holiness, and she must be burned to death." Is it good to burn your daughter till death?
- "A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them." Is it good to stone people to death?
- "And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat." What about cannibalism? Is good too? And humiliation.
- Nearly all Leviticus is pure violence and blood and hate.
As you can see, Pro's arguments are contradictory. He says that Islam is evil and the bible is good, but the same violence is found in both texts.
What pro doesn't get is that religions aren't defined just by a book. So saying Islam is evil just for the existence of violent passages in its sacred text is invalid.
Resolution negated.
The bible passages were this: Ezekiel 9:5; Leviticus 21:9; Leviticus 20:27; Leviticus 26:29.
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2016-01-29 09:45:10
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A few comments regarding what has been said about this debate...
Firstly, I agree that one cannot simply post a minimal number of characters in the debate engine to "meet' the rule requirements, only to undermine that with a document far exceeding the word count for the topic. We should be honest in the way we conduct ourselves in debate and not undermine the rules.
That being said, I take great issue with condeelmaster's assertion that a religious text is totally irrelevant to discussing the morality of a religion.
To suggest "Well the bible has immorality in it also" is a classic example of the Tu-Quoque fallacy. To say "you too" does not do anything the clear one of the problem of their own position. That is like a criminal trying to plead their case by saying "well, he did it too!" Such a statement does nothing to clear oneself of the claims.
Islam in particular says that Muslims are to go to the People of the Book (followers of the Bible - Jews and Christians) in order to settle matters of interpretation.
As such, the topic of this debate is not, "The Bible is Evil" but "Islam is Evil". And while one could certainly look at events such as terrorist acts, things that take place in Muslim societies etc - What is the common refrain? "Islam is peaceful. The QUR'AN forbids this violence." Now, while happen to believe that the Qur'an teaches violence, Note, that if the Qur'an is good enough for a Muslim to say "Islam is not defined by what some bad muslims do, but rather by the teachings of the Qur'an, Hadith, Sirah etc, then likewise the Qur'an ought to stand up to scrutiny.
Ketuvim - I suggest that if you wish to debate this topic in the future, you do so by honoring the rules of the debate, and the intentions behind them. For condeelmaster - I think you ought to reconsider the your dismissive assertions of religious texts in a debate around religious morality.Posted 2020-04-22 07:25:52