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lannan13KohaiThat the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII was justified
Am93lannan13That the provision of Internet services should be a public utility
Random Strangerlannan13That Federally guaranteed gay marriage violates the Constitution
Javeh Javslannan13That doctors should be forced to perform medical procedures
Bonkhe Magongo Lozalannan13death penalty should be legal on all UN countries
lannan13cooldudebroThat women should be allowed into front-line combat roles
Abhishek Siwachlannan13That the provision of Internet services should be a public utility
lannan13LucasTheLlamaVaccination Should be Compulsory
SaxonHammerlannan13That we should launch a ground invasion to fight the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq
lannan13CrowThat the rise of a 'hookup culture' is regrettablen
fire_wingslannan13That human cloning is immoral
lannan13devinator534 (DDO)That the United States should regret the Patriot Act
Imran Haquelannan13That we should make plans to subjugate any aliens we encounter
lannan13BifurcationsThat railways should be nationally owned and operated
True Capitalist Acolytelannan13Animal Experimenting Should Be Banned
IncorrigiblePerspectivelannan13That art museums should be financed by the state
imonfire29lannan13That the United States should nationalize oil exports and seek to join OPEC
Anjani Kockondalannan13That we should regret the inclusion of religious symbols at memorial sites
David Nefflannan13The U.S. Government Should Continue Funding Planned Parenthood
Tiffpenlannan13Social Media is the monster in society
Romaniilannan13That universal healthcare is worth the expense
Blackflaglannan13That there should be a ban on pornography