The game is called Ghost Combat and is meant to both be fast-paced and feel tense. Each character has a set of (mostly) set stats and abilities, plus weapons to unlock. The stats used will be:
1. Strength- the damage done when using fists
2. Speed (self explanatory)
3. Power- the likelihood of player A knocking down player B + 50%- Player B's resistance
4. Resistance- see "power"
5. Health- the amount of damage a player can take before elimination
6. Stamina
7. Combat speed
You start with a fixed amount of visibility, like, say, 15%. Each player gets a decoy to make things a bit more interesting by making it tricky to tell which players are the real ones. Also, each time you attack, you become more visible, and your visibility gradually wears down when you're not attacking
The idea of this is not only to make characters feel different and stuff, but also to give the player a notion that the smallest mistake could cost them big-time. EG: The ninja has high combat speed, medium strength, medium-high stamina, medium power, high combat speed, and high speed, but has low resistance and low health. Therefore, the player knows that if they do not take an opponent out quickly they could lose big time.
The game will have modes like:
1. One-Shot, where each player just gets one life
2. FFA
3. Team battle
4. Team Tournament
5. King of the Kill
6. Score mode, where players get more points for more variety in their kills and the winner is the one with the most points.
Also, in a future DLC, the multiplayer will have more difficulties. In the difficulties, you aren't allowed to use your abilities as much, get more visible each time you attack, and lose stats when you die.
So what do you think?
"It's a shame, you're only in the rap game, only for the money and the fame... paparazzi!"

admin |
Apr 9 2015 10:22 PM GamerDeb8rBbrH8r:
I would HOPE that DLC would be free. Sounds like the sort of thing the base game should really have.
Honestly I usually find the success of games like this depends on factors such as how good the maps are, if the controls are easy to pick up etc. The actual concept is alright though. I like the "becoming more visible" thing.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
The DLC will, in fact, be free. And I won't stop editing the controls until a 30-year-old has no trouble with them. Your advice is helpful and valued.
"It's a shame, you're only in the rap game, only for the money and the fame... paparazzi!"

The unique part of the game is how visibility goes up with each attack. How would people see each other at the beginning though?
It would also be cool if their was a mode where everyone is assigned a certain player they need to assassinate to gain points.