In the United States Constitution, it says "...unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." In the preamble of the constitution it says, "to promote the general welfare" when describing the purpose of the constitution. Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio said that healthcare is a genuine function of the government. On July 28, 2004, Representative Kucinich said, "The solution to the nation’s health care problem is not to deny members of Congress health care coverage. It’s to make sure every American has the access to quality health care, and the only way to do that is for Congress to pass a bill that would provide for universal not-for-profit health care for all Americans."
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When we talk about this topic, I believe that we must take three important problems into consideration.
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I did not receive a cross-examination question, so I will continue the debate by first re-asking my cross-examination question. I asked, “Of 33 first world, developed countries, the United States is the only one without free healthcare. Can you explain how many other countries with similar economies to the United States can afford free healthcare, but the richest country in the world cannot?”
Like I said in my cross-examination question, The United States is one of 33 first world countries that does not provide healthcare. I did have to look a bit to find where you were getting your evidence from, but I think I found it. It says that, In June alone, the federal government’s $864 billion budget deficit was larger than the deficit in all of fiscal 2017. And fiscal 2018. In eight years, the Reagan administration almost tripled the national debt, to $2.9 trillion, but that sum is less than Congress has increased the debt in the past nine months. Because both parties have a powerful permanent incentive to disburse more current government services than current revenues will fund, the pre-pandemic deficit in fiscal 2019 was already almost $1 trillion — at full employment, with 2.3% gross domestic product growth.” The way I read this was that the United States has $864 billion of debt. I looked through this entire article, and never found a mention of healthcare or of medicare, and I would gladly argue any day that our current legislation and president are contributing to the failure in Covid-19. President Trump has undoubtedly done a bad job with the pandemic, starting when he removed the epidemic task force.
You stated (still coming from the same source), “In a 2017 poll, 28 percent of Americans agreed with the statement that immigrants detracts from our character and weakens the United States because it puts too many burdens on government services.” I would also like to point out that in a CNN poll done in 2015 said that 57% of the United States saw the confederate flag as southern pride, and not a sign of racism. At the end of the day, I really do not 1.) believe that you can use 28% of the population as a good piece of information, and 2.) that in 2015 57% of the population did not see the confederate flag as a racist icon. In a country where racism is so prominent, I have a hard time seeing any of that as valid information.
At the end of the day, I believe that you should have used a better, more unbiased source for your information, and I do not think it is valid enough, and doesn’t actually answer the question at hand.
Here is the link I believe you used for your source. I was not 100% sure because there was no full link: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2020/10/25/commentary/world-commentary/socialism-no-longer-just-specter/
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Before presenting my arguments for Round 2, I try to answer your question. As you know, the U.S. is the richest country in the world. However, unfortunately the health care is not free. What causes this situation?
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Round Forfeited
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healthcare is perfect thingsPosted 2020-11-11 22:48:57
Con, I cannot post my argument for round 2, and I am waiting for your response to the cross examination.Posted 2020-11-03 06:18:41
Pro,I expect your argument for round 2. Posted 2020-11-02 12:12:48