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Natural Cleaning Products VS Commercial Cleaners

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ariellapolterariellapolter (PRO)
Green cleaners: The are a cheap solution that provides a relatively good domestic cleaning product that works well against most stains. There is a wide variety of natural cleaning recipes that can be implemented for specific sanitation purposes. The main indgedients in the most popular green recipes are: baking soda, lemon juice, white distilled vinegar, essential oils, olive oil, coarse salt. While these are common household items that can easily be mixed together to form a stronger solution, they are not capable of removing any type of stain. Yet, they are toxic-free and highly affordable.
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2016-08-01 22:06:28
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scbimscbim (CON)
Commercial cleaners: Commonly sold in local stores and markets and highly advertised via various media channels, the commercial detergents are by far the most popular cleaning solution. They are considered heavily toxic, yet, there is not certain proof that their use will eminently cause allergic reactions. Self-tested commercial cleaners are often used by house cleaning companies to provide a quick and safe way of getting rid of grime buildings and various stains.
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2016-08-01 22:06:40
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Benefits of green cleaning at Facilities.net | http://www.facilitiesnet.com/green/article/The-Benefits-of-Green-Cleaning-Facilities-Management-Green-Feature--10793
What's so bad about chemical cleaners at Gaiam.com | http://life.gaiam.com/article/whats-so-bad-about-chemical-cleaning-products

Courtesy of: Fantastic Cleaners Sydney, domestic cleaning agency in Sydney NSW | http://fantasticcleanerssydney.com.au/
Posted 2016-08-01 22:10:49
Green cleaners: The are a cheap solution that provides a relatively good domestic cleaning product that works well against most stains. There is a wide variety of natural cleaning recipes that can be implemented for specific sanitation purposes. The main indgedients in the most popular green recipes are: baking soda, lemon juice, white distilled vinegar, essential oils, olive oil, coarse salt. While these are common household items that can easily be mixed together to form a stronger solution, they are not capable of removing any type of stain. Yet, they are toxic-free and highly affordable.
Posted 2016-08-01 22:04:24
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  • Time to post: 3 days
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This debate will take a closer look at the benefits and drawbacks of using natural cleaning solutions and commercial detergents.