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Flight 370 - Posted by Cermank 2014-03-15 22:30:28
I guess that's true. But I've been trying keeping a tab at this since the story developed, and it has been difficult keeping the speculations from the substantial truth, given a lot of it is coming fr...
Flight 370 - Posted by Cermank 2014-03-15 00:33:54
At this point of time, I'm not sure we can believe anything 'official' Malaysian authorities say. They have been going back and forth on the details so often its not even funny anymore. The head of th...
This or that - Posted by Cermank 2014-02-08 22:04:35
PIZZA. Never had a hamburger though. Books or movies?
Voting score percentage - Posted by Cermank 2014-02-07 16:44:23
Thanks! Makes sense.
A new setting - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-29 01:41:30
:D :( ;) :P
What next for EDEB8 - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-21 00:40:10
There are a few I can think of, I think. I'll share them when I get on a PC.
What next for EDEB8 - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-20 21:59:02
Good fb pages?
What next for EDEB8 - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-20 21:51:20
Have you been posting on Facebook debating pages? Because that can be one way to advertise, people do check out websites that way. I remember one person advertised his debating fb page on ddo and some...
Word association - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-13 23:39:10
Oh. Didn't realize the second page. Cold.
Word association - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-13 23:37:28
What do you like about EDEB8? - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-13 00:57:46
There are so many things to love, although you already pointed out the obvious. The variety of the formats of the debates is the USP, its great. I'd say I like that the site seems to radiate a gen...
Bugs - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-12 03:45:26
And I gave up because it wasn't posting. D:
Poll: Most important new feature - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-12 03:44:00
2 would be a tie between pdf download and multiple teams at once.
Poll: Most important new feature - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-11 21:37:43
I had a mini heart attack because I thought you were introducing polls as the 'most important new feature'. Homepage activity is my pick.
Bugs - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-11 21:29:48
And its definitely group specific because it took me less than a second to post here. The reply is still loading in the group.
Bugs - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-11 21:28:47
Is it just me, or replying to the threads in groups is reeeally slow? When I click on reply, it just says loading for quite a while.
New EDEB8 Ideas - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-10 17:28:30
//What would you like to see if there was a "friend activity feed" on the homepage?// Friends replying to forum threads and commenting on debates.
First ever win! - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-10 00:17:44
This calls for celebrations!!! NightofTheLivingCats, SPEECH! SPEECH! SPEECH!
Groups - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-09 14:25:03
It cut my reply :-( If not, general seems better.
Groups - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-09 14:23:33
Oh. Can we have something where the mod choses whether he wants a private group or public when he starts a group? (And he can't change it later).
Groups - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-09 14:11:00
Can't we have both?
Groups - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-09 14:10:59
Can't we have both?
New EDEB8 Ideas - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-09 00:36:10
Sure, I'll screencap it the next time I get it. Everything seems fine as of now.
New EDEB8 Ideas - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-08 21:41:11
Are you working on a chat box? Because a I have a chat box-eque thing on the left corner of my screen with '2015 years ago' written on it. And a beetal -can't find connection' message.
Roast Busters - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-08 17:37:13
This is actually a very important question, not sufficiently thought out in general discourse (which usually focuses on commercializing the anger, rather than coming up with a solution). Rape culture ...
Awesome music thread - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-08 16:26:03
Debate stock market - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-08 16:23:38
I'm in.
New EDEB8 Ideas - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-08 11:01:02
And when someone replies to your posts on the forums
New EDEB8 Ideas - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-08 10:28:33
A notifications tab. For when the users/ activity on the site increases.
Auto Challenges - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-08 10:08:38
1. Random. Just not too restrictive, the debate loses its charm if its too less words. 2. Random 3. Yap. Thatd be interesting. 4. 3 rounds is a decent number I think. 5. No. 6. Yes, de...
New EDEB8 Ideas - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-07 13:24:37
It still says 'in 7 hours' on my phone.
New EDEB8 Ideas - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-07 13:15:15
On an unrelated note, I love the new colour scheme.
New EDEB8 Ideas - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-07 13:08:36
Yeah, that'd be handy. A different tab should work, with debate/ forums/ judge. Under users heading perhaps.
Time Reporting - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-07 13:04:11
"in 7 hours" for me. (IST)
New EDEB8 Ideas - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-07 11:56:15
A separate section where you see all the people online at a given point of time, like DDO had a while back ( not sure if it has it now), under peoples tab. Or like Facebook, which would be really cool...
Researching links - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-07 00:58:45
Awesome! I'll send them over tomorrow once I get on my PC. :-)
Researching links - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-07 00:44:41
Also, good research databases are usually paid, so there's that too.
Researching links - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-07 00:40:52
If I'm looking at topic specific research links, I personally prefer research papers since usually (good) research papers outline the dynamics of a topic pretty comprehensively. Rather than debates on...
Researching links - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-07 00:22:35
I just saw that you were looking for research links from the users if they wished to. What links are you looking for exactly? Because I personally use planetdebate which has quite an extensive resourc...
Ground floor, Housewares.... - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-06 02:55:08
Cermank here. Love informal debating, hope to get into a more formal set up.
Ground floor, Housewares.... - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-06 02:54:32
Cermank here. Love informal debating, hope to get into a more formal set up.
Confusing Parts of Creating a Debate - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-06 02:51:13
Ah. Thanks!
Confusing Parts of Creating a Debate - Posted by Cermank 2013-11-06 02:06:26
A similar query, what does it mean to have no prep time? That you are given an on the spot topic or that the time to respond is less or something else?