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Sexualized Culture

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By Crow | Jul 10 2016 10:12 PM
Edeb8 has stricter content standards than most of the internet, as you know.

What is the standard here?

No underwear? I don't see why you removed two pictures of women who had nothing exposed. Ironically they were the two pictures that gave off the best image of our sexualized culture.
The ADB committee just changed its policy on 8/28/2016
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By admin | Jul 10 2016 10:16 PM
Crow: Also removed image of execution in progress. You should know better than this.

If it was a movie, and it would get an R13 or above rating in NZ, then probably that's about the limit. Roughly. I use my judgment a bit.
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By Crow | Jul 10 2016 10:18 PM
Sorta like asking "do you like humans?" lol. Do I like that erotic dances exist? I don't really mind. I mean, I'm not really into it personally, but it's anthropological.

Meaningless sex and the lust behind it creates sycophants. It is little different than if society openly promoted everybody used crack regularly, besides it being less physically harmful.

Self instituted slavery is harmful to the goal of self sufficiency.
The ADB committee just changed its policy on 8/28/2016
No communication with admin. Ever.
By Crow | Jul 10 2016 10:20 PM
Also removed image of execution in progress. You should know better than this.

No, I actually don't, because you keep changing your standards since I have been here.

I guess you have always been a major prude though.
The ADB committee just changed its policy on 8/28/2016
No communication with admin. Ever.
By Crow | Jul 10 2016 10:22 PM
Seriously, you must of been living under a rock for the past 60 years if you think any of the pictures you have removed are shocking or graphic.
The ADB committee just changed its policy on 8/28/2016
No communication with admin. Ever.
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