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By admin | Dec 15 2014 4:11 PM
Dassault Papillon: "under *some forms of* atheism"

Does atheism really need to compromise with theism? Is that even desirable?
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By Mharman | Feb 12 2018 4:02 PM
With Liberty and Justice for all!
Dassault Papillon
By Dassault Papillon | Feb 13 2018 4:00 PM
Already did one a few weeks ago, in a separate thread, so here's another, in a nutshell:
Living a life of virtue, for the sake of others, is a generally better way to live than to be a selfish brat. However, only about half of people live life in conditions ultimately favorable to them learning and experiencing this truth. The other half of people don't. Furthermore, even the people who do learn this ultimately die.
People keep getting reincarnated, with no ability to remember their past lives, so the ugly cycle continues perpetually. Nothing is ever really accomplished, since any gains are temporary. There exists a "repository" containing the vast sum of human memories and experiences, but it's totally inaccessible to us.
However, what if people were able to remember their past lives? Statistically speaking, everyone must've had at least one life in which they were altruistic. Even if they had 999 lives of selfishness, remembering that one life of altruism should be enough to make them altruistic now, since, that virtuousness being a better way to live than otherwise, they'll choose that mode of being after having tasted it and compared it with everything else.
In short, if everyone can remember their past lives, everyone will be altruistic, and, having experienced life from just about every possible perspective, supremely wise. One day, after every soul has gone through enough cycles to make this feasible, the repository will be opened, and everyone will be enlightened.
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