What political parties exist in your country?
Which one do you mostly identify with?
I am sure you all know of the United States Republican and Democratic party. It is also worth remembering the more popular third parties like the Libertarian and Green party.
While third parties diversify elections, if we maintain our two-party system, third-parties disadvantage candidates by "stealing" votes. They obviously have on chance of WINNING the election (at least at the federal level), and they are a vector for borderline votes, which is enough to swing an election. Ralph Nader in 2000 is likely the reason Gore lost Florida (and, by consequence, the presidency). Of course, I prefer Bush over an environmentalist like Gore, but the power of third parties to swing elections without being contending candidates is concerning.
As for myself, I primarily identify as Republican. While I don't agree with the entire GOP platform, it's best to vote for either of the two parties, irrespective of slight disagreements. It's really interesting to take this quiz:
Not only does it align candidates, but you can see to which party you align most closely. My results are evident here:
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u

admin |
Dec 1 2016 9:13 AM Bi0Hazard:
Nice idea for a thread!
NZ is very multi-party. The largest are National (center-right) and Labor (left). Other parties who hold seats in our parliament are the Green Party, New Zealand First Party (populist leftish), Maori Party (indigenous interests), Act Party (libertarian) and United Future (center, tends more right than left).
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admin |
Dec 1 2016 9:15 AM admin:
Personally I tend to vote Green, although I like some ideas from Maori and NZ First too.
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They can take enough votes away to prevent either candidates from winning the electoral vote (270 to win). The independent candidate Evan Mcmullin won 21.5% of Utah and was very competitive. Clinton won 27.5% and Trump won 45.5%.* If Mcmullin were to win Utah and the election was split with both below 270, a republican majority House of Representatives with enough anti-Trump republicans may choose Mcmullin, who is a conservative.
If no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes.
So, it is possible for a third party candidate to win.
Yes, I realize that. That is the problem I am highlighting. Third party candidates have the power to swing elections moreso than the "competitive" candidates themself. I know quite a bit about McMullin, and it would personally be preferable if he were elected. Yet, it's ridiculous to claim his win would be a fair one. He would win through an obvious loophole.
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
You don't like the Labour party?

admin |
Dec 1 2016 9:30 AM Bi0Hazard:
Not really. They're not the most intelligent bunch for the most part.
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