The current navigation bar is very useful, but nonetheless there are still some problems. The "debate" link goes to the "open challenges" page. However, it would be more helpful if it lead to the page with all debates, modified to include a "create new debate" button and tabs to change between challenge, debating, voting, or finished, instead of the less prominent drop-down menu. This would help new users use the interface.
Also, a notifications system can be implemented, because right now, I have to go back to the main page to check for messages and whether or not I have an argument due. A notifications system can just allow you to see by reading the number hanging on the huge monotone letter envelope thingy.

The only buttons I use are the Forum button, the User button and the Edeb8 button.
I find the Dashboard the most useful "default" page. I can see all of the above at a glance.

admin |
Mar 26 2014 3:21 AM JDSFDSFfsa:
So first of all, the debate page has a "create new debate button". Are you not able to see it? It's on the top-right. I'll consider adding other phases of debates to this page. Wouldn't that be inconsistent with the "judge" page though? Primarily I'd like users to be judging debates and joining debates.
Also, what huge monotone letter envelope thingy?
Currently the main system for notifications is sending emails. I've looked into adding another item to the top bar there with a special kind of mailbox for notifications. The design issue I have, though, is that a person might see the email and then get annoyed that they have to clear the notification again on EDEB8 to stop it telling you that there are new notifications. Can you think of a way around that?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
If I had notifications on the site, I'd turn email ones off.
PS: don't you ever sleep?

Pinkie |
Mar 26 2014 4:55 AM nzlockie:
No, no he doesn't, you should know that by now.
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.

admin |
Mar 26 2014 6:25 PM JDSFDSFfsa:
We're in the same time zone.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!

admin |
Mar 26 2014 7:47 PM JDSFDSFfsa:
Meant to say "from the same time zone".
Trust me, you can't travel without taking notice of time zones. nzlockie up there asked me if I ever sleep at about 4.30am New Zealand time presumably while he was travelling, wondering why I had been commenting on stuff throughout the (New Zealand) night. There's nothing like travel for making you aware of time zones.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!

Pinkie |
May 1 2014 3:24 PM admin:
Makes sense. Jer travels a lot.
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.