A message to the users of Edb8
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admin |
May 29 2015 8:18 AM Blackflag:
There should certainly not be a long-term trend of judging only one way on a particular position.
One of the updates yesterday shows you a basic voter impartiality index based on your propensity to vote fairly either way on issues you have an opinion on (via the issues section). Unfortunately I think I'm the only member on the site who has voted on enough debates (>
10 where you have also declared your position via the issues section), but you can see my result on my profile all the same.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
If you're not here to participate in debating as a "sport" as nzlockie put it, then you probably won't last here long anyway.
Thanks for this clarification and for the (inferred) ultimatum. If your idea of "the best debate site that you can create" is to have debating as only a "sport" or game where members can see how many points they can rack up against one another?
Count me out. I have more meaningful things that I would like to do with my time.
I'll give you another chance to clarify or to respond some other way before I will start asking you to delete my account for me. .
The Supreme Court needs to explain how a 'child in the womb' is a person enough to be recognized as a MURDER victim under one law but not under any others.
That is a very interesting position. So should Chuz Life have the right to choose to only judge debates in which anti-abortionists had won or should he be reprimanded for not judging in favor of a pro-abortionist every once in a while?
And vice versa....
should pro-aborts be required to vote for
on debates where I have made points that prove against keeping abortions legal (for example)?
The Supreme Court needs to explain how a 'child in the womb' is a person enough to be recognized as a MURDER victim under one law but not under any others.
If you're not here to participate in debating as a "sport" as nzlockie put it, then you probably won't last here long anyway.
I really do not like this statement. Most people are not attracted to debating for the competition. People who are drawn to debating like the educational stimuli and test of speaking abilities. I agree that uttermost respect and fairness should be projected towards a debates integrity, but I hardly consider debating a sport.
Thumbs up from:

That is a very interesting position. So should Chuz Life have the right to choose to only judge debates in which anti-abortionists had won or should he be reprimanded for not judging in favor of a pro-abortionist every once in a while?
And vice versa....
should pro-aborts be required to vote for
on debates where I have made points that prove against keeping abortions legal (for example)?
The Supreme Court needs to explain how a 'child in the womb' is a person enough to be recognized as a MURDER victim under one law but not under any others.
I am edging towards what you are saying about long-term judging trends, but I still think Chuz Life has brought up some legitimate points. Maybe it is one of those things we don't like but have to deal with regardless?

admin |
May 29 2015 8:50 AM Chuz Life:
Pretty much if you're here just to defend a viewpoint you strongly and earnestly believe in, then you're pretty much restricted to just doing debates. This is why things like secret topics or randomized sides exist - to encourage people like that to try other topics and other perspectives. Among other things.
Not to say edeb8 doesn't welcome those with a non-competitive philosophy of debate, simply that they tend to leave after a month or two because there's nothing for them here. Our forum is slow at best and dominated by a few users, and almost every other feature of the site is focused heavily on the formal debating aspect. People who tend to judge only for certain issues on certain sides will be talked to be me, so that's out. The only thing left is groups and other such social things. I'm certainly not going to ask you to leave simply because we disagree, and it wasn't meant to come across as a threat.
It doesn't need to take a lot of time. Heck, you can record a 1-minute video debate round. It's up to you if you find meaning in it... even though you haven't tried it...
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!

admin |
May 29 2015 8:53 AM Chuz Life:
I can assure you, I certainly would
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
Our forum is slow at best and dominated by a few users, and almost every other feature of the site is focused heavily on the formal debating aspect.
I really want the forum to be obliterated. Like so bad...

admin |
May 29 2015 8:54 AM Blackflag:
Lots of people are drawn to sport not for the competition! I never win competitions pretty much, but I enjoy them for the reasons you mentioned.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!

admin |
May 29 2015 8:55 AM Blackflag:
Maybe, but I think it's still wise to do what we can to combat it.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
I left DDO and came to EDB8 for pretty much the same reason. DDO became a place where debates became meaningless and the elo points, popularity and bragging rights became more important than the facts and the truth about that which is being debated.
NZLOCKIE eluded toward this earlier when he said "we are not here to decide what (who) is right or wrong" and "it's a game"
If you agree with him on that^^^
I'll be on my way.
The Supreme Court needs to explain how a 'child in the womb' is a person enough to be recognized as a MURDER victim under one law but not under any others.
Chuz Life:
It shouldn't take this long for an answer.
We are both tired of this back and forth and I have somewhere to go to.
It's clear (to me) that I need to find a site more centered around truth and fact finding and less centered around meaningless elo scores and the like.
Please delete / deactivate my account. I don't intend to participate on your site any longer.
The Supreme Court needs to explain how a 'child in the womb' is a person enough to be recognized as a MURDER victim under one law but not under any others.