Raisor |
Jun 19 2017 12:31 AM
DDO is under a state of emergency. Please check in below to verify that all residents are safely coping. Blankets and hot drinks will be provided to those who need them.

Wylted |
Jun 19 2017 2:07 AM Raisor:
Fema will be here shortly with the MREs, unconstitutional curfews, and to take away our guns.

Cenc |
Jun 19 2017 3:50 AM
Lol...and I really wanted to do some more debates on DDO -.-
Checking in. Can confirm hot kool-aid was distributed to me.
Thumbs up from:

Raisor |
Jun 19 2017 12:54 PM JonelleStorm:
Oh no...please do not drink the kool aid, this is not a part of sanctioned emergency relief activities. DO NOT DRINK THE KOOL AID.
Thumbs up from:

Cenc |
Jun 19 2017 12:59 PM
Does anyone actually know...like...what's happened to the site? Has it finally come off life-support or what?
The Kool Aid had pcp in it. On one hand I had a great time. On the other hand, RIP my life.
Thumbs up from:

admin |
Jun 19 2017 1:44 PM Cenc:
No architecture is designed to last forever. How long DDO lasts is a function of Juggle's willingness to maintain it.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!

Cenc |
Jun 19 2017 1:55 PM admin:
True, and that willingness seems to be pretty void.

Cenc |
Jun 19 2017 2:00 PM JonelleStorm:
I'm just wondering more why they haven't bothered.
I'll tell you a tale.
A long time ago in this very solar system, a couple of people decided they could do some good to the world by designing websites. They even used some of their revenue to sponsor community service time.
They created debate.org, and it was very good. They cared for it and had company moderators to keep the site orderly and answer community complaints.
But the community grew dark, and started making more demands. The site became loud with whining and anguish. Juggle began to distance themselves by telling us to elect a president and vice president to deal directly with them.
The community loved this, and it became part of the culture. But their complaints were never-ending, and Juggle realized they needed a revenue source. So they created advertisements, and started making mad bank.
Throughout the years they began to realize that no matter what they did, three things remained true: they weren't very good at fixing the website, they would never satisfy the userbase, and no matter what they had a ton of site traffic.
So they decided to leave and just accept the ad revenue, forwarding all their phones to the answering machine, and making all new emails go to the spam box. DDO was shunned, and there was nothing we could do to stop Juggle from making more money with each click on the website.
They left Airmax by himself to tend to the site by himself a few years ago, and when they receive their next pay check from the ad agencies they're going to realize they need to get the f*** back on it before they can't afford to keep their office stocked with beer (literally have a bar in their headquarters with free beer for all employees).
Essentially they just need to buy more servers or start outsourcing (I think), but they will likely never be as active with the site as they used to be.

admin |
Jun 19 2017 4:03 PM JonelleStorm:
Well that first part is a little off. Juggle acquired DDO as an investment. They were never very interested. People complained on DDO from the very start. Aside from, funnily enough, a short period after my epic pony debate, they suddenly became VERY interested in the site and considered hiring me. After my interview they disappeared and were rarely heard from again. Crazy but true.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
I honestly made a lot of it up. Just filled in the blanks with something that sounded reasonable. Didn't know Juggle acquired it although I guess the first post I read from Juggle was when they started the forums which was a couple years after DDO started.
Airmax always said they left as a business decision. Kinda sucks that people don't realize that investments are best when they appreciate in value, and if you can control their value then it's kind of stupid to not be interested. Plus investment experts say not to invest in things you don't care about. But you know, hopefully they figure out why their ad revenue died here in a few

Raisor |
Jun 20 2017 12:56 AM
Day 4 of the crisis. It appears that this is shaping up to be the worst DDO disaster in recent memory.
What is most tragic is the failur of DDO to adequately prepare in the wake of past emergencies. In the absence of a presidency there has been no central authority to organize community relief. Truly a tragedy of political disorganization.

*cough cough* *crawls from DDOs rubble.* Hellllpppp me.... *sputters blood and dies*

admin |
Jun 20 2017 1:41 AM Raisor:
To be fair, if you had been a DDO president, what would you have done? The DDO community is pretty inherently fragmented.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!

Raisor |
Jun 20 2017 2:03 AM LunaticFringe:
Please brother, rest a while, you are safe now. Take this blanket and coffee, warm your soul. There is still hope.

Raisor |
Jun 20 2017 2:07 AM admin:
I would have organized an emergency meeting point so we could take a head count and verify that everyone made it out safely. A public service g hangout could serve as a broadcast system in dark days and assure the masses that situation is under control. I would set up a relief fund for Raisor Ruble donations.