Online debating schools of thought
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There are different schools of thought on online debating. The DDO( school of thought is probably the most popular. The edeb8 school of thought broke off of the DDO school of thought after someone named Lars Dobbertin-King(probably spelling it wrong) had a disagreement so created a new school(correct me if I got the story wrong) called edeb8. There are others too, like the createdebate school of thought.
Which one(s) do you belong to? What do you personally mostly agree with(like the best)?
Also, name all the main schools of thought you know of.
It is Lars Dobbertin-King, I got it right.
I've been a member of DDO for about a year now (and I've used the site for studying debate whilst not actually doing any debates by on it for longer).
I've used edeb8 for about a month, so I'm still experimenting with the site and its resources. I originally only joined for the WODC.
Like I've said in the other thread, they both have their advantages and disadvantages so I'm not sure I could pick a favourite - at least not until I've familiarised myself with this site some more.
Long story short, I'm still trying out edeb8 as well as me continuing to amuse DDO. If I end up transitioning to edeb8 more permanently then I'll probably stay on DDO due to the close friends that I've made there. Though at the moment that won't apply vice versa.
Famousdebater from DDO.

admin |
Sep 6 2016 1:34 AM Bi0Hazard:
I see debating online as being not so much of a philosophical distinction but rather a technological shift that necessitated innovation.
Early debate websites were more of a forum structure. The formalization aspect is what I call second-generation debate websites, like DDO. And then there's another level of specificity that I've called the third generation, that has focused even more specifically on geography, technology, or some other specific marketing ploy. Edeb8 falls into that category, as we're focused on the experience. Obviously I like what it is.
I have little specific complaint with debating on DDO. I felt DDO was very constructive in managing those from a community perspective. My issues were of a different nature. DDO's format is a product of its time. It's more general by design.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!

I greatly prefer edeb8 to DDO.
DDO is getting very strict; yet idiotic with their rules. Now, almost anyone who is butt hurt about a vote on their debate can get it repealed even if it was a good vote; along with getting that person's judging rights taken away. A lot of the people who still have judging rights either don't use them or are biased. However, edeb8 is refreshing in the sense it welcomes everyone's opinions and doesn't let any butt hurt people get away with censoring votes because it hurts their feelings
The community on DDO can get rather toxic. Almost all of the debates aren't serious; and a lot of people there just aren't good opponents' as they tend to drop the debate a lot. Here, a lot of people are exceptional debaters; and see their debates through.
Admin also makes this site really good. The admins on DDO are sub-par to say the least. Along with being close to useless, as they mainly ask you to refer to the forums when you contact them for the problem, they tend to be mainly interested in their status rather than helping. Admin, on the other hand, takes his time to address any problem you may have when it comes to the sites coding and errors in debates. I have no complaints and only good things to say about edeb8's Admin, while I could say some choice words about DDO's admins.
DDO has just become silly. edeb8 is the future of debating as DDO sinks further.
Almost all of the debates aren't serious; and a lot of people there just aren't good opponents' as they tend to drop the debate a lot. Here, a lot of people are exceptional debaters; and see their debates through.
I'm sure that you could find a good opponent on DDO if you tried. Almost all of my debates (particularly recently) have been against semi - good all the way up to excellent opponents. I've debated bsh 3 times, tej once, zaradi once, FT once, etc. I very rarely go up against anybody with an elo lower than 2500 on DDO so I never encounter that problem.
Though I do agree with a lot of the other complaints you raised regarding DDO (particularly toxicity and vote removal).
Famousdebater from DDO.
I have tried that. They are all sub-par opponents. The ones that are good don't tend to debate too often; or just aren't interested in the topics.
You can't seriously call debaters like Bsh "sub par". They debate at degree level standards.
Famousdebater from DDO.
No. Hahahaha I meant the people I found.
It is all really a matter of your opinion and desires for a site at the time. Many may love it on DDO and hate it here, and vice-versa.
Oh. Okay that makes sense.
Famousdebater from DDO.
Many may love it on DDO and hate it here, and vice-versa.
Most people do believe the former.
Famousdebater from DDO.
I don't see why they would. Despite a larger community, DDO is indeed worse than Edeb8.