"Religion and Philosophy are entirely separate" - please give judges view on my argument

Crow |
Aug 3 2016 2:25 PM SaxonHammer:
Your arguments didn't really try and distinguish how different philosophical systems were distinct from religion, despite religion advocating for many of these philosophical systems.
For example, Christianity deals with...
- Asceticism
- Stoicism
- Theology
- Humanism
- Metaphysics
- Ethics
- Ect.
It even opposes philosophies like Epicureanism.
The most important thing to have done in that debate was to explain how just because religion deals a lot with philosophy, how it still remains to be distinguished from philosophy. Which I didn't get much technically speaking through reading.
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Crow |
Aug 3 2016 2:33 PM
The other problem is that your arguments were too axiomatic.
Basically you delivered a premise and a conclusion, without explaining the basis for the premise, or how you got from the premise to the conclusion.
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That is true, I should have made it clear that religious morality is a "subset" of Phil. - I was not trying to confuse the reader by dragging a multitude of "subsets" into play - especially as I knew the fight was not over..............
I have re-read and noticed a typical typo of mine - However my main point about - religion excluding and Phil. including was not clear to you (more work for me)
axiomatic - I had to look it up - I do not understand the criticism here, I thought it was direct for the opening round?
Thank you for your response - I was shocked by your response in the debate.

Crow |
Aug 3 2016 4:04 PM SaxonHammer:
Well I should of been more clear.
You were committing axiomatic fallacies (not arguments). Basically you were starting from opinionated premises.
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Ooooooooo - show me one opinion!

Crow |
Aug 3 2016 4:12 PM SaxonHammer:
Religion excludes non-members.
Philosophy allows for full inclusion of all entities(people).
Both unsupported premises used to start your arguments. You even admitted it.
While the above statements are
and carefully constructed...
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Crow |
Aug 3 2016 4:18 PM SaxonHammer:
Are you arguing with those giving you feedback? Okay, well let's do this.
That is also asserted opinion, and patronizing to the audience. A baseless claim that something is true, has no ground to stand on. Evidence and explanation should of been used.
they contain no criticism/judgement and can be seen from an individual human point of view to show distinct difference.
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Thank you very much, you have been very helpful and generous.