That marijuana is as effective as pharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of some diseases That organically-grown foods are no better than other foods That global warming is not reversable by mankind That the drilling of oil should be permitted in preserved areas That we should cease research into stem cells That nature is more important than nurture in determining our identity That sexual orientation is most probably a choice That scientific endeavours to find more efficient torture techniques are worthwhile That life begins at conception That "three parent" babies are an unethical use of science That the creation of novel viruses should be banned That global warming is a settled science That the creation of a super AI is an ethical scientific endeavour That senescence is curable That more needs to be done to ensure worldwide food security That business schools should address scientific issues in their core curriculum That, when science is in conflict with faith, we should prefer faith That political candidates should be required to pass a basic science test before being allowed to stand for election That nuclear power is not worth the risk That scientific consensus is not a worthwhile metric That governments should make greater investments into space-weapon research That time travel is scientifically plausible That Pluto ought to be a planet That lifestyle disease research should not be funded when other disease research needs funding That sex education should be kept out of middle schools That all students should be required to learn language and mathematics until they leave secondary school That where lunch is served at school, teachers should be forced to eat the same food as students That our society is over-educated That standardized tests are not good indicators of a student's real progress That we should implement a 4-day school week That academic preschools should be required to maintain a minimum amount of time for free play That current affairs should be part of the curriculum That teachers should choose not to set homework That parents should not "redshirt" their children That we should ban smoking in all public places That we should allow advertising of medicines to consumers That doctors should be allowed to prescribe contraception to under-age girls That having a drinking age of 20 is ideal That the government should promote the idea that alcohol is a date-rape drug That universal healthcare should be provided by the state That restrictions on the size of sodas that may be legally sold is a good idea That health-focused video games should be subsidized That ADHD is usually overdiagnosed That women should choose to get mammograms every two years from the age of 30 That younger people should get priority on organ donor lists That digitized health care systems are a step in the right direction That playing video games is healthier than watching TV That we should have a right to be forgotten That the "open source" development model is broken That internet access should be tax-free That "shadow IT" is usually beneficial for corporations That "bring your own device" is usually harmful for corporations That parents should choose to spy on their children's use of personal computers That Apple devices are generally not worth the expense That Facebook should allow children of any age to have a Facebook profile That smartphones and tablets will make personal desktops and laptops as we know them obsolete That we should not treat self inflicted illnesses That, on snow days, teachers should teach their class from a "virtual classroom" That China should build a rival development bank to the World Bank That companies should seek to use cloud storage in favor of their own storage servers That high schools should provide daycare services for students who have children That teachers should post students' grades publicly That boarding schools are usually superior to other forms of education That electric cars will never become mainstream That the use of technology in schools deepens the divide between rich and poor That commercial fracking should be stopped until we have more data on the long-term environmental impact That the invention of the nuclear bomb is regrettable That the fight against malware is futile That Linux-based operating systems are generally inferior to their competiton That hardware manufacturers should not "lock" their hardware to run only with particular non-embedded software That "text language" deserves more recognition as a valid form of grammar That technological progress is currently slowing down That big banks should be broken up That economic sanctions are usually ineffective at achieving their goals That increasing the minimum wage raises unemployment That the anti-sweatshop movement has hurt third-world economies That social security in the United States is headed towards collapse That improvements to technology also increase unemployment That we should aim for an inflation rate of 0% That stronger anti-pollution standards are good for the economy That modern society is overworked That flat tax systems are better than progressive tax systems That, where it does not exist already, there should be a national sales tax That insider trading should be legal That we should support state capitalism That our universe is real That predetermination is likely false That God probably exists That numbers are real That everything is art That a priori knowledge is possible That democracy is the best form of government That scientific knowledge is better than other forms of knowledge That governments are a bad idea That there is at least one thing we can be certain about That philosophy can only be advanced through formal proof as opposed to debate That the golden rule is the best ethical system we know That if a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around, it makes no sound That the existence of God is the most important issue known to mankind That Objectivism has become irrelevant That "white lies" are morally defensible That the concept of family has become increasingly irrelevant That it is better to have lost love than never to have loved at all That an eternal afterlife is probable That parents should bear moral responsibility for the actions of their children That willingly killing another human being who does not want to die is justifiable That Google shouldn’t censor its search results in China That we should ban corporate sponsorship of academic research That we should build a space elevator That global free trade is desirable That we should not give money to beggars That feminism is outdated That money is the root of all evil That artificial intelligence should be given human rights That YouTube has had a negative influence on popular culture That Western culture is inherently misogynistic That we should ban aerosports That we should ban the niqab That "cultural relativism" should be a valid legal defence That culturally significant artifacts in museums should be returned to their country of origin That the Oscars should be gender neutral That in war, towns containing valuable art should not be targetted That Disney stories are too politically correct That where a binge drinking culture exists, laws will probably never change it That hacktivism is part of our culture That governments should take steps to prevent a gun culture from becoming normalized That "female privilege" is a myth That the use of racial profiling should be extended in law enforcement That associations with other forms of "queer" sexuality damages the gay rights movement That the United States should pay reparations to families affected by forced segregation That Spain and Portugal should end their culture of bullfighting That celebrity worship does more harm than good That we are probably "saved" by faith as opposed to by works That atheism is a religion That Pope Francis has had a negative influence on the Catholic Church That the Ten Commandments are outdated That, when choosing a Bible translation, we should prefer the original King James Bible That Mormons should be considered Christians That the major churches should put out a joint statement against UFO cults That Buddhism should not be considered a religion That interfaith dialogue can lead us to better theological insights That religion should be more private and less organized That the Christian "trinity" is not simply polytheism by another name That a belief Satanism is not inherently evil That the Qur’an has been perfectly preserved That church and state should not mix That film distributors should choose to release movies even if they have been blackmailed by hackers That artistic works ridiculing major religions should be censored That calligraphy is a dead art That (non-liberal) art should not be taught in academic institutions That as a medium for conveying narrative, movies are superior to books That music should be free That Shakespeare is probably the greatest English-language author of all time That amateur art is making professional art increasingly obsolete That artists should refuse to work for free That artists should choose to keep their work amoral That ebooks will eventually replace books entirely That cell phones should be banned at concerts That art has become more sexualized in the past century That graffiti should not be removed That impressionism is a superior artistic philosophy to realism That authors should, where they have the legal right, not allow fans to create derivitive works such as fan-fiction That fairy tales should be returned to their original, more gruesome renditions That we should ban ghostwriting That in assigning awards, art should be judged primarily based on its popularity That we should encourage the use of Sandbox-style video games, like Minecraft, in education That countries should choose not to bid to host major e-sports events That, assuming perfect play, white would likely win every game of chess That the lottery is a waste of money That we should abolish all forms of gambling That video games aren't as good as they used to be That professional gamers should be considered athletes That PC gaming is dying That tabletop role-playing-games are superior to virtual role-playing-games That the Scrabble dictionary should be abridged for casual players That video game emulators should be banned That it should be illegal to play an ultra-realistic shooting game for any person for whom it is illegal to own a firearm That trading card games are superior to card games using a regular deck That "remastered" or "reworked" editions of old games should be priced significantly cheaper than new games That professional poker players should be required to undergo mandatory drug testing That video games are probably the best kind of gaming That the idolization of independent game creators is harmful to gamers That games of chance have limited utility compared to games of strategy That we should ban in-app purchases for games That locked frame rates are a scourage of the video game industry That multiplayer games are superior to those designed for a single player That open source models are useful for games publishers outside of video games That we should support the Gamergate movement That video games have a net negative impact on youth That China was wrong to lift their ban on video game consoles in 2014 That erotic video games with realistic depictions of rape should be banned That edeb8 should remove some of their social features That edeb8 is better off with a single moderator That live video debates are the future of online debating That edeb8 should serve advertisements to users That edeb8's content policies go too far That edeb8 should allow anybody to access the site via proxy server That edeb8 is the best site for online debate That the World Online Debate Cup initiative should be scrapped That edeb8 should immediately open its tournament infrastructure to the public That erotic content should be banned from all parts of edeb8, including private groups That edeb8's biggest problem is a lack of members That edeb8 should offer paid, premium memberships That the number of subforums on edeb8 should be reduced That edeb8 should abandon the Elo system of ranking debaters That "secret topics" make for the best debates That one-round debates should not be permitted on edeb8 That edeb8 should change their site name That online debate is superior to real-life debate That debating should not require all participants to act in a civil manner at all times That the ability to create polls on groups is a bad thing for edeb8 That all tied debates should result in draws on edeb8 That edeb8's chat system should implement a profanity filter That there should be a minimum age of 18 for using edeb8 That edeb8 should select and promote an official mascot That edeb8 should make more features available to coaches That edeb8 should adopt affirmative action policies That it is better to be feared than to be loved That Justin Bieber should retire That edeb8's implementation of community voting on new features is regrettable That Jesus probably existed That the International Society for Krishna Consciousness is a dangerous cult That IQ is likely mostly genetic That psychiatry should be considered a pseudoscience That we have nothing to fear from aspartame That water flouridation brings more benefits than harms to the general population That children should never be classified as sex offenders That Pokemon is a superior franchise to Digimon That Kim Jong-Un is the most dangerous man alive That Nikola Tesla should be considered Croatian in nationality That Forbes should cease publishing their list of the most powerful people in the world That Godwin's law has solid empirical support That we should listen to Phil Schneider That Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to US politics That Barack Obama's presidency has been, on balance, good for America That Walt Disney was an alcoholic That the shooting of Malcolm X was justified That Vladimir Putin has had a net positive influence on Russia That Suri Cruise and Prince George are too young for tabloids That the idolization of pop stars who have died of drug overdoses is regrettable That formerly doping athletes should be hired to help develop more foolproof drug policies for sports That Tony Blair should be prosecuted for war crimes That Edward Snowden should be honored as an American hero That Jack the Ripper has been oversensationalized That it is likely we will know what really happened to Madeleine McCann That Arnold Schwarzenegger should never have become a politician That Terri Schiavo should not have been taken off life support That Michael Savage should be fired That "The Simpsons" should be cancelled That Paul Gauguin was overrated That the film "I, Robot" was a fitting tribute to Isaac Asimov's original book That technology has killed music That cartoons of the 80s and 90s were superior to those produced today That the Harry Potter books are superior to the Twilight books That Batman is a better character than Superman That Dan Brown's criticism was undeserved That Charlie Sheen was a poor actor That Dilbert comic strips are better than Garfield comic strips United Nations peacekeepers should have the power to engage in offensive operations For-profit prisons in the United States should be banned On balance, the benefits of genetically modified foods outweigh the harms On balance, public subsidies for professional athletic organizations in the United States benefit their local communities NATO should strengthen its relationship with Ukraine in order to deter Russian aggression Prioritizing economic development over environmental protection is in the best interest of the people of India Single-gender classrooms would improve the quality of education in American public schools The US Supreme Court rightly decided that Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act violated the US Constitution Immigration reform should include a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States The benefits of domestic surveillance by the NSA outweigh the harms Unilateral military force by the United States is justified to prevent nuclear proliferation The benefits of American drone strikes against foreign targets outweigh the harms The continuation of current U.S. anti-drug policies in Latin America will do more harm than good The U.S. government should not require its citizens to have health insurance On balance, the rise of China is beneficial to the interests of the United States On balance, the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission harms the election process The United States should prioritize tax increases over spending cuts Current U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East undermines our national security Developed countries have a moral obligation to mitigate the effects of climate change Congress should renew the Federal Assault Weapons Ban Stand Your Ground laws are a legitimate expansion of the doctrine of self defense State mandated administration of childhood vaccinations is justified The United States should suspend all assistance to Pakistan Birthright citizenship should be abolished in the United States The costs of a college education outweigh the benefits In the United States, current income disparities threaten democratic ideals Direct popular vote should replace electoral vote in presidential elections Private sector investment in human space exploration is preferable to public sector investment The benefits of post-9/11 security measures outweigh the harms to personal freedom That the United States should intervene in another nation's struggle for democracy The United States federal government should permit the use of financial incentives to encourage organ donation North Korea poses a more serious threat to United States national security than Iran Wikileaks is a threat to United States national security In the United States, plea bargaining undermines the criminal justice system High school debate resolutions should not confront sensitive religious issues Allowing deep water offshore oil drilling is in the best interest of the United States Current trends in American political dialogue compromise meaningful democratic deliberation That the constitutional right of freedom of religion has wrongly evolved into freedom from religion On balance, government employee labor unions have a positive impact on the United States Affirmative action to promote equal opportunity in the United States is justified In the United States, organized political lobbying does more harm than good That merit pay based on student achievement should be a significant component of K-12 teacher compensation in United States public schools Failed nations are a greater threat to the United States than stable nations When in conflict, the United Nations should prioritize global poverty reduction over environmental protection United States policy on illegal immigration should focus on attrition through enforcement rather than amnesty A society has an obligation to ensure adequate health care for its citizens That, on balance, the rise of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) has had a positive impact on the United States That, by 2040, the federal government should mandate that all new passenger vehicles and light trucks sold in the United States be powered by alternative fuels That, on balance, social networking websites have a positive impact on the United States The United States should significantly increase its use of nuclear energy That the United States should implement a military draft The United States federal government should substantially increase its non-military exploration and/or development of the Earth's oceans Just governments ought to require that employers pay a living wage The "right to be forgotten" from Internet searches ought to be a civil right A just society ought to presume consent for organ procurement from the deceased The United States ought to prioritize the pursuit of national security objectives above the digital privacy of its citizens Placing political conditions on humanitarian aid to foreign countries is unjust In the United States criminal justice system, truth-seeking ought to take precedence over attorney-client privilege Oppressive government is more desirable than no government The United States ought to extend to non-citizens accused of terrorism the same constitutional due process protections it grants to citizens That Barack Obama should be considered more famous than Jesus Christ