Round Forfeited
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2021-07-20 15:58:02
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In this first round I concentrate on presenting my arguments. Before beginning this debate, let me define two key words.
First is compulsory. It means `` ` imposed on one by authority, command or convention` ` and ` ` done under force.`` ` 1)
Second is vaccination. It means ` ` the use of vaccines to prevent specific diseases.` ` 2)
Since early 2020 Covid-19 pandemic has been spreading into many parts of the world. As a result, many people have been infected by the pandemic. This pandemic has brought serious economic recession and mass- unemployment in many developed countries like U.S. , Japan and
European countries. Coping with this dire situation, the leading pharmaceutical companies of the West have desperately been engaging in developing vaccine to combating the pandemic. As a result, the effective vaccine has emerged. Many governments of the world have urged their
people to receive the vaccine compulsory.
However, I believe the vaccination should not be compulsory. I present a number of reasons.
First reason is that in the democratic countries like the U.S. and European countries whether receiving the vaccine or not should be decided by each
person. The important thing is that people should not be coerced to receive the vaccination. Here we must pay attention to Nuremburg Code(1949). What is the Nuremberg Code ? We must keep in mind that compulsory of vaccination is the violation of human right.
`` ` The Code ,and particularly its emphasis on informed consent, has had a profound impact on international human rights law and medical ethics. ` ` 3). And ` ` the human subject should be free to exit the experiment if they are suffering , and that the scientist in charge must be prepared to end the experiment if they have good reason to believe it may cause injury, disability or death to the subject if it continues.` ` 4)
Second reason is that many people have passed away due to serious side-effects on body of human beings caused by the dose of the vaccine of Covid-19 in many parts of the world. The important fact is that not only small children and middle-aged people but those over 60-aged have lost
their lives. From above arguments I believe we should oppose to the dose of compulsory vaccine of Covid-19.
The important thing is that the dose of the vaccine of Covid-19 does not contribute to preventing the infection of Covid-19 pandemic. Rather, it may trigger sudden death among those who received the vaccination.
So the vaccination should not be compulsory.
Sources: 1) http://www.thefreedictionary.com.
2) https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com.
3),4) Why is the Nuremberg Code being used to oppose Covid-19 vaccine ? , (https://fullfact.org/health)
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2021-07-22 13:12:00
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Round Forfeited
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2021-07-28 13:12:02
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I continue my arguments. It is very important in democratic countries like the U.S. and other European countries that the sprit of the ` Freedom of Choice` and ` Decision- making by individuals` must be prioritized in every day life. Therefore, compulsory vaccination should be rejected and opposed by the majority of the people. Reflecting this situation, since February, 2021 anti- vaccine movement has been spreading widely through
Twitter, YouTube and Instagram in the United States. 1)
The main message is that coronavirus vaccine is a medical fraud and the injection does not prevent infection, provide immunity or stop transmission of the disease. 2) The leading promoter is Dr. Joseph Mercola,67,an osteopathic physician in Cape Coral,Fla.
`` ` Dr. Mercola has published over 600 articles on Facebook that cast doubt on Covid-19 vaccines since the pandemic began, reaching a far larger
audience than other vaccine skeptics.`` ` 3) Kolina Koltai , a researcher at the University of Washington says that `` ` Mercola is the pioneer of the
anti-vaccine movement` ` 4) ` ` The activity has earned Dr. Mercola , a proponent of natural health with an Everyman demeanor, the dubious distinction of the top spot in the ` Disinformation Dozen ` a list of 12 people responsible for sharing 65 percent of all anti-vaccine messaging on
social media.` ` 5)
Furthermore, new virus called Delta variant has emerged. However, unfortunately Covid-19 can not contribute to reducing the risk of the infection of new virus. Taking this dire situation into consideration, we should not get the vaccine of Covid-19 in this uncertain situation.
We should wait for the time when new vaccine is developed and introduced for combating Covid-19 and Delta variant pandemic if some people want to get the vaccine. We must keep in mind that the vaccine shot can be very dangerous and might cause serious disease and the unexpected death.
Sources: 1), 2) 3), 4), 5) ` Superspreader of misinformation on Covid` , The New York Times International Edition, July 26, 2021.
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2021-07-30 11:27:20
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Round Forfeited
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2021-08-05 11:28:02
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We must keep in mind that compulsory vaccination of Covid-19 is not justified in the democratic countries.
We must pay much attention to the measure taken by British Government.
`` ` In the absence of most rules, the government is urging people to use ` personal responsibility ` to maintain safety`. ` 1)
When we turn our eyes to the U.S., local news media play an important role in promoting anti-vaccine movement.
For example, ` ` The Freedom`s Phoenix and The Atlanta Business Journal are two small publications - along with dozens of radio and television
stations, and podcasts aimed at local audiences- that have also become powerful conduits for anti-vaccine messaging.` ` 2)
The fact is that many people are worried about the infection with Covid-19. Some people hope that as many people get vaccine to prevent the
pandemic from spreading as possible. However, we must recognize that severe imposition of compulsory vaccine is the violation of liberty among
people. ` ` About 30 percent of adults have not received even a single dose, and the percentage is much higher in some parts of the country.` ` 3)
The important thing is that ` ` the politicization of vaccination is an outrage and frankly moronic.` ` 4)
Sources: 1) ` Nations lean toward new Covid plan: Live with it` The New York Times International Edition, July23,2021
2) ` Local news spreads misinformation from vaccine skeptics` , NYTIE, August 3,2021
3),4) ` Vaccine refusal gives variant room to grow`, NYTIE, July 28,2021
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2021-08-07 13:09:08
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Round Forfeited
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2021-08-13 13:12:02
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This is my last argument. Peter Singer, who is a professor of bioethics at Princeton University, argues that people should get vaccine of Covid-19
compulsory to prevent the spread of the pandemic among them. 1) This might be not only a social duty but social responsibility in a civilized society.
He stresses the dose of the vaccine is urgently required to save the lives of many people.
Therefore, his main opinion is that governments of the world must urge people to receive the vaccine compulsory.
However, unfortunately there are many people who have been infected with the pandemic and been dead in spite of getting the vaccine in many parts of the world. Therefore, the important thing is that getting vaccine contributes to giving people as it were a mental stability.
We can say that the dose of the vaccine plays a role only as a tranquilizer.
We must keep in mind that receiving the vaccine does not always necessarily save the life of many people and protect them from being infected.
Therefore, I believe that Covid-19 vaccination should not be compulsory.
Free choice and decision-making by individuals must be prioritized.
Let me point out the case of France. ` ` By the time Mr.Macron announced the imminent rollout of vaccine passports on July 12, over half the French
population, 36 million people, had received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. Clearly, most French people are not morally opposed to getting the shot. Instead, their concerns center less on vaccination itself than on the freedoms and rights possibly infringed by the new measures. ` ` 2)
And ` ` there are darker concerns, too. Protesters fear that the passports will allow for wider-ranging state surveillance, potentially targeting the
most vulnerable and even suppressing dissent.` ` 3)
Next, I look at recent trend in the U.S.. In the country two political parties show different attitude.
` ` A political divide has also emerged, with Republicans far more likely to be unvaccinated than Democrats.` ` 4)
And ` ` social media posts can reinforce preexisting doubts about the vaccines. A Kaiser Family Foundation survey of unvaccinated adults published
June 30 found that 53% think the shots are too new and 53% are worried about side effects. About 43% said they just don`t want it.
38% don`t trust the government. 38% don`t think they need a shot and 26% said they don`t trust vaccines in general.` ` 5)
Voices of people are very important. From above arguments so far, I strongly believe that the vaccination should not be compulsory.
Sources: 1) `` Why Covid-19 vaccinations should be compulsory, by Peter Singer, The Japan times, August 6, 2021
2) , 3) A backlash to vaccine passports, by Pauline Bock, The New York Times International Edition, August 4, 2021
4), 5) Vaccine myths cripple U.S.uptake as delta cases surge, by Josh Wingrove, Kristen V. Brown and Daniel Zuidijk , The Japan Times, July 24-25, 2021
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2021-08-15 11:52:54
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In the United States political parties reflect the attitude toward the vaccine.
The important thing is that American people are less aggressive for getting the vaccine.
Free choice is highly appreciated. I believe this is one of the important elements of democracy.
Paul Krugman argues that ` ` it`s true that there are stark differences in attitudes toward the vaccines, with one poll showing 47 percent of Republicans saying they are unlikely to get a shot, compared with only 6 percent of Democrats. ` ` 1)
And ` ` vaccination rates among Black and Hispanic Americans remain persistently lower than among the non-Hispanic white population,
an indication that issues like lack of information and trust are also inhibiting our response. ` ` 2)
Sources: 1),2) Why Covid is a red-state catastrophe, by Paul Krugman, The New York Times International Edition, July 31- August 1, 2021
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2021-08-20 12:43:14
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Round Forfeited
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2021-08-23 12:44:02
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