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That the speed limit on roads should be abolished

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boranbaevaboranbaeva (PRO)
Firstly,I want say that I do not mind that some very important road signs were on the highway.For example the ones that are in front of the repair road.It's OK.
    But in some cases, for example, before a difficult turn or in front of a railway, only a mention of the fact that a turn or a railway is coming soon is enough.I believe that this can affect the stressful situation of some people.
   You know,  people are divided by two when there is any limit before him: time or speed, it does not matter. Ones are rabbits-they acts spontaneously when it see wolf in front of him.Second ones are kangaroos-they jumps out when it see his "killer".
   So I think that people-rabbits can make mistakes when they see so many "wolfs".Like "warning","decrease your speed"and etc

Return To Top | Posted:
2020-08-03 23:33:00
| Speak Round
Bugsy460Bugsy460 (CON)

1. "Speed Limits" - Legal requirements for speed.

2. "Abolished" - Removed from law.

Opponent's Case

1. My opponent only makes mention of warning signs with optional speeds before turns and other odd circumstances. In general, he never justified why we should abolish all speed limits from all roads. He never justifies any removal of speed limits, just optional warning signs. Very simply, by failing to affirm the resolution, the resolution is negated. 

2. My opponent utilizes some unproven pseudo psychological values of people's responses to these warning signs. This shouldn't be valued. Until he can prove this, we need to not value it within the debate.

My Case

1. Speeding is dangerous. 26% of all traffic fatalities in 2017 were caused by speeding. 1 Simply removing speeding as a law doesn't make it any safer, you just get rid of a legal deterrent that keeps people safe. This reason alone negates the resolution.

My opponent failing to give any reason to abolish speed limits while there is a legitimate risk of life proves that there is no reason to abolish speed limits.


Return To Top | Posted:
2020-08-04 03:56:44
| Speak Round

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