That countries have a moral duty to protect human rights in other countries
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The judging period on this debate is overPrevious Judgments
Rules of the debate
- Text debate
- Individual debate
- 4 rounds
- 8000 characters per round
- No reply speeches
- Uses cross-examination
- Permissive Judging Standard (notes)
- Forfeiting rounds does not mean forfeiting the debate
- Images allowed
- HTML formatting allowed
- Rated debate
- Time to post: 3 days
- Time to vote: 2 weeks
- Time to prepare: 3 hours
- Time for cross-examination: 1 day
I'm really interested to see this debate go ahead - very juicy topic. @admin Kush had a problem posting videos on one of his other debates in round, although he was somehow able to post it in the comments. Any idea what might be happening?
Posted 2020-06-23 08:11:43
Hey Orlaj, sorry but it seems like there is a problem in posting videos on this website temporarily. But it is my humble request that you participate in this text debate. Also, I would like to ask for your qualifications of education.
Posted 2020-06-23 00:21:23
Hi Kush, could we do this as a video debate instead?Posted 2020-06-22 07:30:12