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Any music that is not clean should not be on spotify playlists

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Rorie_262Rorie_262 (PRO)
No music that says anything innapropriote should be on default spotify playlists. This does not include playlists that the user creates. This should happen because anyone can create a free account on spotify and listen to all the playlists that spotify makes for them. So put yourself in this position. You are a 9 year old whos mum created a free Spotify account, you are listening to the playlist ' summertime fun ' and suddenly a song starts swearing at you. You try to stop it but you dont know how. Then your mum comes in and yells at you for listening to a innapropriote song. You try to explain but she doesnt listen. You are now grounded for 3 months, and it is ALL SPOTIFY'S FAULT. You delete the app just as your mum comes in to check on you, now you are grounded for 4 months! This makes you very angry, but there is nothing you can do about it because YOU ARE JUST A KID.

This could happen to anyone. Other things could happen too, that is why I strongly believe that only lean music should be allowed on default spotify play

Return To Top | Posted:
2020-04-05 22:17:33
| Speak Round
idiyosyncraticanthropoid_idiyosyncraticanthropoid_ (CON)
Hello @Rorie_262

I'd first like to oppose some of your arguments before I list mine.

1. Firstly, I hope you realize you are living in 2020, an era where a lot of 9-year-olds know to code. So, I'd really not presume that the child doesn't know to skip/pause the song.
2. If I was a parent who was concerned about my child listening to only clean music, having used Spotify, I'd check and edit the playlists. 

Now listing my arguments,

1. Most hip-hop or even pop songs include cuss words in them and I personally feel that Spotify should have default playlists in all genres and it will not be possible to create a clean 90s hip hop playlist without a song that swears.

2. Default playlists are platforms where subscribers discover new music and artists grow their brand. It would not be just if artists are denied their growth and subscribers their chance to discover good music only and only because the song contains cusses.

Thus I strongly believe that any music should be allowed on Spotify playlists.

Return To Top | Posted:
2020-04-05 22:56:24
| Speak Round

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1. No swearing allowed
2. Have fun
3. Dont be a sore loser